International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024: Theme, History, Significance, Celebration,

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the world remembers the holocaust survivors. It is Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the terrible events of World War II’s Holocaust. The UN General Assembly for the very first period officially recognized November, 2005 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in honor of the millions who died during the Holocaust.

It is the grave responsibility of each and every one of us to guarantee that a catastrophe such as the Holocaust never occurs again.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 Overview

EventInternational Holocaust Remembrance Day
Date27 January 2024
Theme“Home and Belonging”

International Holocaust Remembrance Day History

The biggest Nazi concentration and death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, was liberated on January 27, 1945, by the Red Army.

There were national days of remembrance prior to the UN General Assembly resolution 60/7. Germany commemorated the Day of Remembrance for the victims of National Socialism when Federal President Roman Herzog issued a proclamation in 1996. Every year on Holocaust Memorial Day, the UK observes in memory of those who perished during the Holocaust.

Check special days in January

International Holocaust Remembrance Day Significance

This special day is designed to assist to deal with the ongoing trauma that remains after the genocide, to continue and establish important memorial policies, and to promote education, documenting, and study on the atrocity in order to reduce potential acts of aggression.

This document opposes all forms of religious prejudice, provocation, intimidation, and aggression, regardless of the ethnicity or religious belief of the people involved. Additionally, it asks for maintaining torture chambers, detention camps, work camps, and prisons where Jews and other victims of the Holocaust were held as prisoners.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day Celebration

The Museum of American Jewish History, in New York City, also commemorates those who perished in the Holocaust. Since 2012, the Heldenplatz in Vienna has hosted ceremonies throughout Austria for commemorating the Remembrance Day. Participation from the civil society is now being sought via the wide platform Jetzt Zeichen setzen! Some of the speakers will be Holocaust survivors, antifascist activists, and politicians of various political persuasions.

Nisan, which occurs on the 27th of the Hebrew month, is a name for the day on which Yom HaShoah, the Holocaust Memorial Day, is commemorated in Israel. On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli officials, ministers, and senators pay a visit to Yad Vashem and participate in Holocaust remembrance events that take place throughout the day. The Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs delivers an annual presentation on the country’s yearly report on anti-Semitism as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The study looks at some of the major developments and events that occurred in the previous year regarding antisemitism, with regard to fighting antisemitism.

Although some Orthodox Jews still disagree with the addition of this day of memorial to the Jewish liturgical calendar, they’ve linked the Holocaust to the cycle of Jewish sorrow and exile by included the memory of the Holocaust in services on the Ninth of Av. Critics have argued that this provides them with an excuse to avoid tackling the theological aspects of the Holocaust. This, the greatest of Jewish disasters, may be commemorated by observing the customary day of mourning.

Check all other days celebrated in a year

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 Theme

2024 Theme: Not yet decided

2023 Theme: “Home and Belonging”

Past years: In 2021, UNESCO collaborated on a series of activities for the first time. Because of the coronavirus epidemic, the events were streamed live online. On January 27, there was a memorial event as well as a group discussion on Denying the holocaust and misrepresentation. There were also exhibits in Paris and UNESCO Field Offices throughout the globe.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 Quotes

  • “No one is as capable of gratitude as one who has emerged from the kingdom of night.” (Elie Wiesel)

  • “Free men and women denounce these vile crimes and when this world struggle ends with the enthronement of human rights, racial persecution will be ended.” (Winston Churchill)

  • “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. For not only are we responsible for the memories of the dead, we are also responsible for what we are doing with those memories” (Elie Wiesel)

  • “Education and rememberance are the only cures for hatred and bigotry.” (Miriam Oster)


What is the date of International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024?

January 27, 2024

What is the theme of this special day?

It was “Home and Belonging” last year.

Who designated this special day?

United Nations

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