List of 15 Most Dangerous Cities In The World 2023

Some cities are famous for their tourist attractions while some for their criminal activities. There are some cities which comes under both these categories and for someone who loves traveling to the world, it is important for them to know more about these cities. Mexico, a beautiful country to visit, is also a country with the maximum number of dangerous cities. To give you an idea of the unsafe cities so that you can plan your vacations accordingly, the article presents a list of 15 most dangerous cities in the world 2023

Top 15 Dangerous Cities in The World

The table provides the list of the 15 most dangerous cities in the world in 2023 along with the country they are located in.

S. No.CityCountry
4Ciudad VictoriaMexico
5Ciudad JuarezMexico
7Ciudad GuayanaVenezuela
10Cape TownSouth Africa
11Feira de SantanaBrazil
13Ciudad BolívarVenezuela

World’s 15 Dangerous Cities In 2023

Here are some more details about the 15 most dangerous cities in the world in 2023.

1. Tijuana


Tijuana is a small Mexican city that tops the list of the world’s most dangerous cities in 2023. The rate of homicides in Tijuana was about 138 cases every 0.1 million residents in the last year which was the highest in the world. Crime rates in the city have continuously been increasing and showing no signs of slowing down.

2. Acapulco


With a homicide rate of 110.5 per 100,000 residents Acapulco ranks as the second most dangerous city. Considered a tourist paradise, Acapulco has turned into a highly dangerous place with a high risk of armed robbery, muggings, scams and even kidnappings.

3. Caracas


Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, is one of the most violent cities in the world with a murder rate of over 100. The city has never been far from the top of the list and the rate of homicides has always been high. Carcas has made it into the list of dangerous cities every year since 2008.

4. Ciudad Victoria

Ciudad Victoria

Criminal activities such as murder, robbery, kidnapping, disappearances, etc are very common in the city of Ciudad Victoria. Ciudad Victoria is the third Mexican city to be featured in the list of most dangerous cities in the world. Although the city has many popular attraction sites, it is highly unsafe to travel here.

5. Ciudad Juarez

Ciudad Juarez

Caught between the war between drug cartels, Ciudad Juarez has become one of the most unsafe places on the earth. Not completely, but the city is almost abandoned with the remaining residents turning to criminal activities for their survival. A hotspot for musical entertainment and nightclubs, Ciudad Juarez has seen a decline in tourism due to high crime rates.

6. Irapuato


Irapuato is a lovely city situated in the heart of Mexico City. Once known for its abundant strawberry, Irapuato has become one of the most highly dangerous cities in not just Mexico but the world as well. The city has a homicide rate of about 94.99 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

7. Ciudad Guayana

Ciudad Guayana

With a high rate of crimes like rape, murder and sexual assault, Ciudad Guayana is the second city in Venezuela to be considered as one of the most dangerous places on earth. Known for its natural beauty and important industries, the city now suffers the crime due to gang violence.

8. Natal


After Mexico and Venezuela, the city of Natal from Brazil makes it to the list of 15 most dangerous cities in the world 2023. The north and west zone of the city is the poorest with the highest rate of violence and are avoided even by the locals of the city. Natal has a homicide rate of over 70.

9. Belem


Belem is another city in Brazil known for its highly unsafe environment and high crime rates. Increased drug rife and poverty in the city is the main cause of the high crime rates. Not many visitors prefer to travel to the city despite it being located in the beautiful country of Brazil.

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10. Cape Town

Cape Town

A beautiful South African city known for being the hometown of Nelson Mandela is known for its increasing crime rates. The city has the highest homicide rate in all of South Africa and is also counted among the most unsafe places in the world.

11. Feira de Santana

Feira de Santana

The Brazilian city of Feira de Santana is a very unsafe city with a homicide rate of over 60. Although the city is an important commercial and industrial center, drug trades and other illegitimate businesses have made the city a very dangerous place to live. With no special tourist attraction, Feira de Santana is a city to avoid visiting.

12. Fortaleza


Other than a high homicide rate, Fortaleza is known for robberies, mugging, theft, assault, etc. It is not that the city has nothing good to offer but everything is shadowed by the high crime rates. Bars, restaurants and music clubs, scuba diving, and theme parks are some amazing tourist attractions in the city.

13. Ciudad Bolívar

Ciudad Bolívar

Ciudad Bolívar is one of the poorest cities of Venezuela known for mega-slums, drug rife and gangsters. The economy of Ciudad Bolívar is dominated particularly by agriculture and animal husbandry. The city has always been in the list of dangerous cities and is advisable to keep a distance from here.

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14. Ensenada


Once again a city from Mexico is featured in the world’s most dangerous cities in 2023. Ensenada is one of the highest violent cities in Mexico with a homicide rate of 46 per 100k people. Although the city has some major tourist spots, it is advised to be safe while traveling here.

15. Zacatecas


The list of the most dangerous city in the world in 2023 concludes with the Mexican city of Zacatecas.  Zacatecas is a beautiful city with amazing culture and traditions but most of it is overshadowed by the high crime rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the most dangerous city in the world in 2023?

Tijuana is probably the most dangerous city in the world in 2023.

Which country has the highest number of dangerous cities?


In the United States, which city is the most dangerous?


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