Top 10 Space Agencies in the World- Best Space Agencies of Exploring the Unknown

NASA was founded in 1958 and is the best space agency in the World. Other top agencies are CNSA, Roscosmos, ISRO, ESA, JAXA, Space X, CNES, and others.

Today, the race to explore space is more competitive than ever before. A large number of countries around the world are dedicating significant money to space exploration and research. Best space agencies around the world 2024 are working tirelessly to push the boundaries of what we know about space and what we can achieve.

From NASA to the European Space Agency, these agencies are responsible for technological advancements in the field of space exploration. In today’s post, we will take a look at the top 10 space agencies in the world. If you are a space enthusiast then you are going to love the achievements of these amazing space agencies.

List of the Best Space Agencies in the World in 2024

Given below is the list of the world’s top Space Agencies.

RankName of the space agencies and countriesYear of Foundation
1National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)1958
2China National Space Administration (CNSA)1993
3Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)1991
4Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)1969
5European Space Agency (ESA)1975
6Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)2003
7Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (Space X)2002
8National Centre for Space Studies (CNES)1961
9German Aerospace Center (DLR)1969
10Italian Space Agency (ASI)1988

Details of Top 10 Best Space Agencies in the World

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Image Source: Nasa

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, popularly known as NASA is a government space agency of the United States. It is a big organization responsible for exploring space and studying the Earth. NASA has accomplished many amazing missions such as sending humans to the Moon, launching probes to study planets, etc. It is the space agency with the biggest budget in the world. Every year, it receives around $22,629 Million from the US government. 

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China National Space Administration (CNSA)

Image Source: CNSA

The China National Space Administration or CNSA has achieved a lot of things in the past few years. In the year 2019, China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. After that, in 2020-21, CNSA worked on a Mars mission. This mission included a lander, rover, and orbiter. This made China the second country in history to land a rover on Mars after the US. Currently, the budget of CNSA is $11,000 Million.

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Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)

Image Source: ROSCOSMOS

The Russian Federal Space Agency is famously known as Roscosmos. This space agency is the successor of the Soviet Space program. There was a time when it was competing rigorously with NASA, especially during the cold war. Yuri Gagarin who was the first human in space was a member of the Soviet Space Program. In recent years, Roscosmos is working on many International Space Station programs.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Image Source: ISRO

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency of the Government of India. It was founded in the year 1969 and has made significant achievements since then. It launched its very first satellite in 1975. One of the notable endeavours of ISRO was when it launched over 104 satellites using a single rocket. ISRO is one of the few agencies on the planet to launch missions to both Mars and the moon. It has also played a crucial role in the development of the satellite-based navigation system called NavIC. Currently, it is working on its mission to send humans to the moon.  

European Space Agency (ESA)

Image Source: EESA

European Space Agency (ESA) is a space agency of 22 member states. It was established in the year 1975. It has headquarters in Paris with a team of more than 2,200 engineers and scientists. As of 2023, it has an annual budget of more than 4.9 billion euros. This agency has sent multiple satellites, probes, and even astronauts into space to study the universe. ESA played an instrumental role in the development of Rosetta. It is one of the best spacecraft in the world.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Image Source: JAXA

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency or JAXA is a space agency of Japan responsible for space exploration and developing new technologies. It has sent many spacecraft to different planets. JAXA has also worked with other countries to launch satellites. These satellites are responsible for observing Earth’s weather, climate, natural disaster, etc. Established in the year 2003, JAXA has an annual budget of more than $1,699 million.

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (Space X)

Image Source: SPACEX

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation or Space X is a private space exploration company. It specializes in manufacturing rockets and other spacecraft to send into space. This company was founded by renowned entrepreneur Elon Musk. It has achieved multiple milestones including making the first privately-funded spacecraft to reach orbit. Plus, SpaceX has also created the first privately-funded spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station.

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National Centre for Space Studies (CNES)

Image Source: CNES

The National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) is a French space agency. Established in 1961, this agency has headquarters in Paris. It employs more than 2,500 people. CNES is responsible for developing and implementing the space policy of France. The agency has been launching satellites since 1979. CNES has been working closely with other space organizations around the world such as NASA, the European Space Agency, etc.

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

DLR German Aerospace Center
Image Source: DLR

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aerospace and space research agency in Germany. Founded in 1969, this agency has its headquarters in Cologne and multiple other locations throughout Germany. There are more than 8,127 employees currently working for German Aerospace Center. The current budget of DLR is more than 1.26 billion euros. The High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) was the biggest contribution of DLR to the European Space Agency’s Mars Mission.

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Italian Space Agency (ASI)

ASI Italian Space Agency
Image Source: ASI

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) was founded in 1988. It is the space agency responsible for promoting, coordinating and conducting space activities in Italy. ASI has been working in numerous space missions. It was responsible for the launch of the first Italian satellite (San Marco) in 1964. ASI has also been collaborating with other international space agencies including ESA, NASA, JAXA, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of space agencies?

The purpose of space agencies is to develop and launch spacecraft and satellites for a variety of purposes.

How can anyone work for a space agency?

Most space agencies require employees to have advanced degrees in science, engineering, etc. Relevant experience also matters.

How many intergovernmental organizations are involved in ESA (European Space Agency)?

22 member states organizations.

What is the biggest achievement of NASA?

Apollo’s moon landing mission is considered the biggest achievement of NASA.  

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