Aakash ANTHE 2024: Registration, Exam Date, Scholarship, Awards

Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam (ANTHE) is a national level scholarship exam conducted to select talented students for the award of scholarship and help them take the first step towards their goal of becoming a doctor or an engineer.
Depending on students’ performance in the test they can get up to 100% scholarship and cash awards. The exam is conducted in both online and offline mode and similar is the process of application.
Aakash Byju’s Scholarship Test 2024 Date
The tentative schedule of Aakash scholarship test 2024 is provided in the table below:
Activities | Dates |
Commencement of registration for ANTHE | Yet to be announced by the official |
Last date to register for ANTHE | Yet to be announced by the official |
Release of admit card | Yet to be announced by the official |
Date of ANTHE | Yet to be announced by the official |
Result announcement | Yet to be announced by the official |
Aakash ANTHE 2024 Eligibility Criteria
Students who are currently enrolled in class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII in any recognized school are eligible to apply for ANTHE.
Registration Process
Candidates can either register online or offline for ANTHE 2024. For online registration, the students need to visit Aakash ANTHE registration page https://anthe.aakash.ac.in/home and provide the details like name, contact number, class etc.
After providing all the details carefully, the students can proceed with payment of exam fee. Payment of fee can be done online using debit card/ credit card.
For offline registration, the candidates are required to visit the nearest Aakash center and collect the form. Alternatively, they can also download the ANTHE registration form from the website https://anthe.aakash.ac.in/downloads.
To fill the form, the candidates should provide all the requested details and submit the same with exam registration fee at the fee counter. payment receipt must be collected from the fee counter without fail.
Exam Fee
- Students need to pay an amount of Rs. 100/- as exam fee in offline mode. There is no exam fee for online mode.
Aakash ANTHE 2024 Exam Pattern
Check out the overview of Aakash ANTHE exam pattern given below:
- Mode of exam: Both online and offline
- Duration of exam: 1 hour
- Number of questions: 40
- Type of question: Multiple- type questions
- Total marks: 90
- Negative marking: Not applicable
Pattern for Class VII studying students
Subject | No. of questions |
Science | 21 |
Mathematics | 11 |
Mental Ability | 8 |
Pattern for Class VIII studying students
Subject | No. of questions |
Science | 21 |
Mathematics | 11 |
Mental Ability | 8 |
Pattern for Class IX studying students
Subject | No. of questions |
Science | 21 |
Mathematics | 11 |
Mental Ability | 8 |
Pattern for Class X studying students (Medical Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 10 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Biology | 12 |
Mental Ability | 8 |
Pattern for Class X studying students (Engineering Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 10 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Mathematics | 12 |
Mental Ability | 8 |
Pattern for Class XI studying students (Medical Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 10 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Biology | 20 |
Pattern for Class XI studying students (Engineering Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 10 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Mathematics | 20 |
Pattern for Class XI studying/passed students (Medical Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 10 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Biology | 20 |
Pattern for Class XI studying/passed students Engineering Aspirants)
Subject | No. of questions |
Physics | 13 |
Chemistry | 13 |
Mathematics | 14 |
ANTHE 2024 Syllabus
Please find below ANTHE syllabus 2024:
For Class VII studying students:
- Physics: Heat, Motion and Time, Electric Current and Its Effect
- Chemistry: Acids, Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes
- Biology: Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals, Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Animals and Plants
- Mathematics: Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Data Handling, Simple Equations, Line and Angles, The Tringle and its Properties, Comparing Quantities
- Mental Ability: Series, Direction Test, Mathematical Operations, Missing Character, Puzzles, Mirror & Water Image
For Class VIII studying students:
- Physics: Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Chemistry: Cool and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame (Combustion, Types of combustion, Fire
- Biology: Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms – Friend and Foe, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Reproduction in Animals
- Mathematics: Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots, Comparing Quantities
- Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series, Analogy, Number and Alphabet Test, Direction Test, Coding and Decoding, Problems Based on Figures
For Class IX studying students:
- Physics: Motion, Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation
- Chemistry: Matter in Our Surroundings, Is Matter Around Us Pure? Atoms and Molecules
- Biology: The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues
- Mathematics: Number Systems, Polynomials, Coordinate Geometry, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Mental Ability: Verbal Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding and Decoding, General Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning, Figure Matrix, Problems Based on Figures
For Class X studying students (Medical Aspirants):
- Physics: Light – Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye and Colourful World, Electricity
- Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals
- Biology: Life Processes, Control and Coordination, How do Organisms Reproduce?
- Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding and Decoding, General Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Problems Based on Figures, Data Interpretation
For Class X studying students (Engineering Aspirants):
- Physics: Light – Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye and Colourful World, Electricity
- Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals
- Mathematics: Real Numbers, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Coordinate Geometry, Triangles, Introduction to Trigonometry, Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding and Decoding, General Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Problems Based on Figures, Data Interpretation
For Class XI studying students (Medical Aspirants):
- Physics: Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion
- Chemistry: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics
- Botany: Cell: The Unit of Life, Cell Cycle and Cell Division, The Living World, Biological Classification, Morphology of Flowering Plants
- Zoology: Biomolecules, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and Their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement
For Class XI studying students (Engineering Aspirants):
- Physics: Physical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion
- Chemistry: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics
- Mathematics: Sets, Trigonometric Functions, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutations and Combinations, Sequences and Series
For Class XII studying/passed students (Medical Aspirants):
- Physics: Electric Charges and Field, Electrostatics Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current
- Chemistry: Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, The d- & f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds
- Botany: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Microbes in Human Welfare
- Zoology: Human Reproduction, Reproductive Health, Human Health and Disease, Biotechnology: Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and it’s Applications
For Class XII studying/passed students (Engineering Aspirants):
- Physics: Electric Charges and Field, Electrostatics Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Chemistry: Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, The d- & f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds
- Mathematics: Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Matrices, Determinants, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Integrals, Applications of Integrals
Aakash Scholarship Test 2024 Admit Card
- After successful registration, admit card for appearing in ANTHE will be provided to the candidates.
- In the admit card, name, roll number, etc of the candidates along with details of allotted exam canter, schedule and shift will be mentioned.
- Only the students with a valid admit card will be allowed to appear for the talent hunt exam.
Aakash ANTHE Result
- Result of the talent hunt exam for different classes will be declared at its official website.
- To check the result, the students will have to login to their account using their ANTHE roll number and date of birth.
- Name, roll number, marks scored, rank obtained, etc will be mentioned in the result of the student.
- Those who secure marks more than the prescribed cut- off will be considered as qualified.
- Such candidates will get enrolment in Aakash and will be eligible for scholarship or fee waiver as per their rank and percentile.
Scholarship Details
Scholarships to the qualified students will be offered as per the given rule:
Category | ANTHE Rank | Waiver allowed |
Class VII, VIII & IX | ||
A | 1- 100 | Tuition- 100%Registration- 100%Admission- 100%Exam fee- 100% |
B | 101- 250 | Tuition- 100%Registration- Chargeable Admission- 100%Exam fee- 100% |
C | 251- 500 | Tuition- 90%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- 100% |
D | 501- 750 | Tuition- 85%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- 50% |
E | 751- 1000 | Tuition- 80%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- Chargeable |
Class X (Medical & Engineering Aspirants) | ||
A | 1- 50 | Tuition- 100%Registration- 100%Admission- 100%Exam fee- 100% |
B | 51- 250 | Tuition- 100%Registration- Chargeable Admission- 100%Exam fee- 100% |
C | 251- 500 | Tuition- 100%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- 100% |
D | 501- 1000 | Tuition- 90%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- 50% |
Class XI & XII (Medical & Engineering Aspirants) | ||
A | 1- 50 | Tuition- 100%Registration- 100%Admission- 100%Exam fee- 100% |
B | 51- 150 | Tuition- 100%Registration- Chargeable Admission- 100% Exam fee- 100% |
C | 151- 300 | Tuition- 90%Registration- Chargeable Admission- Chargeable Exam fee- 50% for Medical100% for Engineering |
Other than this, based on the percentile ranking of the candidates, certain scholarship will be granted as well. Top 100 ranking students in each class will also be eligible for cash awards.
Cash Awards for Class 7 , 8 & 9 Studying Students
Rank of student | Number of Students | Classroom / Hybrid Course (Type-A) | Classroom / Hybrid / Digital / DLP Course (Type-B) |
Rank 1 | 1 | Rs. 1,00,000/ | Rs. 50,000/ |
Rank 2 | 1 | Rs. 75,000/ | Rs. 40,000/ |
Rank 3 | 1 | Rs. 50,000/ | Rs. 30,000/ |
Rank 44 to 10 | 7 | Rs. 25,000/ | Rs. 15,000/ |
Rank 11 to 50 | 40 | Rs. 15,000/ | Rs. 10,000/ |
Rank 51 to 100 | 50 | Rs. 10,000/ | Rs. 5,000/ |
Download: ANTHE brochure
Yes. Answer keys for the exams conducted for different classes will be made available in the Downloads section at website https://anthe.aakash.ac.in/downloads and can be checked by the students from there.
Aakash will provide the students mock test so that they can practice for online exam. however, only those students who enroll successfully for ANTHE can access these mock tests.
Via ANTHE scholarship students can take admission into foundation courses of Aakash which are meticulously designed for classes 7th to 10th school and board exams.
Students will be able to provide their choice for appearing in online or offline mode exam at the time of registration.
You can reach ANTHE support team through phone on 1800-103-2727 or can send an email at anthesupport@aesl.in.
Hello sir i am Shomya Kumari scholarship conduct at national level in online and offline mode to help students praper for engineering and medical entrace exam you can get up100% scholarship and case award class 12th
Hi, I am asma from class 7th l want to know that from where we can give online test
Did you apply for the exam?
Can you please confirm me the syllabus for anthe 2022 class10
In which language is the exam conducted?
Hi, I am Srishti Sharma from class VIII from The Mother’s International, Delhi. I am planning to sit in the exam. Please confirm the date and the month.
Thank you
When will the exam for 2022 is assumed to be conducted?
we have updated the schedule, please check and register.
My self SHASHANK REDDY DACHANI, Class X (ICSE), Ramadevi Public School, Hyderabad, i am looking for to appear Aakash Entrance Exam 2002 kindly consider please send the details
which books is better for mental ability in ANTHE for class 9.
I read in class 8 after passing class 8 i want to take admission in akash institute when i enter in class 9 , so what i do to take admission in course of class 9
I resd in class 7 at BURDWAN ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOL,West Bengal.I want to sit for Aakash ANTHE 2022 Scholership Exam.Please provide information regarding it.
Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam (ANTHE) is a scholarship exam conducted at national level in online and offline mode to help students prepare for engineering and medical entrance exams. You can get get up to 100% Scholarship and Cash Awards.
Students who are studying in class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII are eligible to apply.
Hope it helps!
If you have any other concern please let us know. We are here to assist you.
Hello sir I am asma and I want to know that from where I can give online test and can I give this test on 8november and any sample test for class 7 for preparation
Or previous year question papers is available for preparation