Boxing Day 2023 – Aim, History, Tradition, Sales and Discount, Ways to Celebrate

Boxing Day is a famous holiday that is celebrated on the day after Christmas i.e. December 26th. It is extremely popular in countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, etc. Apart from this, it is also a special time of the year for shoppers. Over the years, this day has become synonymous with huge crowds, long lines, amazing deals, etc.

The best thing about Boxing Day 2023 is that it will fall on Tuesday. It means people will have a day off work. This makes it the perfect opportunity to take advantage of sales and grab some deals on never before discounts. Go through this post to know every detail about Boxing Day including tradition, history, and more.

Overview of Boxing Day 2023

Name of the eventBoxing Day 2023
Also CalledOffering Day
Observed ByCommonwealth Nations
DateDecember 26th 2023

Aim and Significance

Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries around the world. However, it is particularly famous in Commonwealth countries. Traditionally, it was a day when wealthy people used to give gifts to servants and other lower-class members of society.

Even today, many people take Boxing Day as an opportunity to donate. In some countries like Australia, New Zealand, etc., Boxing Day is also associated with sporting events. Many people attend a game of cricket/ football on this day.

As mentioned earlier in this post, it is a big shopping day in many countries. A large number of retail stores offer big sales and discounts. It is quite similar to the Black Friday sale in the United States. It is not rare to see people waiting for several months to buy their favourite products on this day.

History of Boxing Day

The origin of Boxing Day is not entirely clear. The fact is that there are several theories about how this holiday begins. According to one popular theory, it began in Britain during the middle ages. At that time, the churches used to set out boxes for the collection of alms for the poor/ needy people. After that, these boxes were opened on the day after Christmas to distribute to those in need.

Another popular theory links Boxing Day with the continuation of the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. This festival involves giving gifts, fasting, etc.

In the 19th Century, Boxing Day become a public holiday in the United Kingdom. It was also adopted by many other countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

check other special days in December

Different Ways to Celebrate Boxing Day

There are a lot of things that you can do to celebrate Boxing Day. Here are a few helpful ideas.

  1. Donate to charity – Traditionally, Boxing Day is a day of giving back. So, you may consider donating to some charity organizations doing good work for society.
  2. Attend a sporting event – There is a high chance that some kind of big sporting event might be happening near you. So, you can watch the game and enjoy your day.
  3. Enjoy a festive meal – Any celebration is incomplete without a lip-smacking meal. Take this day as an opportunity to enjoy your favourite meal.
  4. Go Shopping – Boxing Day is known for its sales. Many stores will offer unprecedented discounts. You can find great deals on holiday merchandise, clothing, electronics, etc. Go out and take advantage of these sales.
  5. Relax and Recharge – You can also take this day as an opportunity to relax after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.    

Some Interesting Fact to about Boxing Day

Check out some amazing Boxing Day facts that you might not know.

  • In some countries, Boxing Day is also known as St. Stephen’s Day.
  • In Bermuda, Boxing Day is celebrated with a unique tradition called the “Gombey” Dance. It is a dance performed by locals wearing colourful clothes.
  • The exact origin of Boxing Day is unknown. There are a lot of theories regarding the same.
  • In Australia, Boxing Day is extremely famous for sports.  The Boxing Day Test cricket match is held in Melbourne each year. Plus, a yacht race is also organized between Sydney to Hobart.
  • Boxing Day is a general holiday in Hong Kong despite the transfer of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Boxing Day 2023?

December 26th, 2023.

Is Boxing Day a public holiday?

It is a public holiday in many countries including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.

Are there any Boxing Day sales?

Yes, you can find multiple sales and discounts on Boxing Day in many countries.

Is Boxing Day celebrated in the United States?

It is not widely celebrated in the United States. However, you can expect some sellers to offer special discounts.

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