CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus 2024-25

CBSE has introduced the Information Technology subject to make students aware and illiterate in the field of computers. It is a vocational subject and its syllabus is designed to develop the employability of the candidates. Both theory and practical papers of CBSE 10th class Information Technology subject will carry 50 marks each. To prepare for the exam, the students should understand the CBSE Class 10 Information Technology syllabus 2024 thoroughly. All the necessary details related to CBSE 10th Class Information Technology syllabus 2024-25 are mentioned in this post.
CBSE 10th Class Syllabus for Information Technology 2024-25
The complete syllabus of Information Technology is divided into the following four parts as given below.
- Part – A: Employability Skills
- Part – B: Vocational Skills
- Part – C: Practical Work
- Part – D: Project Work/ Field Visit
The distribution of marks and periods among the four parts is as follows:
Parts | Maximum Marks | Periods |
Employability Skills | 50 marks | 50 Periods |
Vocational Skills | 40 marks | 150 Periods |
Practical Work | 35 marks | – |
Project Work/ Field Visit | 15 marks | – |
Total | 100 marks | – |
Unit-Wise syllabus of CBSE class 10th Information Technology 2024
The unit-wise syllabus of Information technology divided into various part is given below.
Part – A: Employability Skills (10 Marks) (50 Periods)
- Communication Skills-II (10 Periods)
- Self-Management Skills-II (10 Periods)
- Information and Communication Technology Skills-II (10 Periods)
- Entrepreneurial Skills-II (15 Periods)
- Green Skills-II (05 Periods)
Part – B: Vocational Skills (40 Marks) (50 Theory periods + 100 Practical Periods)
- Web Applications (Basics) – 7 marks (8 Theory period + 10 Practical Periods)
- Word Processing (Intermediate) – 8 marks (8 Theory period + 20 Practical Periods)
- Spreadsheet (Intermediate) – 8 marks (11 Theory period + 20 Practical Periods)
- Digital Presentation (Intermediate) – 6 marks (8 Theory period + 25 Practical Periods)
- E-Mail Messaging (Intermediate) – 4 marks (5 Theory period + 10 Practical Periods)
- Data Base Development (Basics) – 7 marks (10 Theory period + 15 Practical Periods)
Part – C: Practical Work (35 Marks)
- Practical Examination – 15 marks
- Written Test – 10 marks
- Viva Voce – 10 marks
Part – D: Project Work/ Field Visit (15 marks)
- Practical File/ Student Portfolio – 10 marks
- Viva Voce – 5 marks
Can you provide me the new syllabus of FIT(402)for the current session. 22-23.
My school managment says about IT (402) that if any student get fail in Any of these subjects (sst, science, maths) . In that condition IT will replace in the place of failed subject. how far is it true
This is totally true .
Yes, its true and confirmed by CBSE to allocate the IT as vocational (Skill) subject and given the power to replace the main subject(Math/ Science/ S St) if student is getting fail in any of one.
What if we fail in IT itself? My daughter weak in IT.
IT is addition subject to help the children’s
Yes that’s right
Please made correction in marks above
Plz send IT(402) 2022-23 syllabus
Please tell me class 10 syllabus for Information Technology 402 year 2022-23.
please made correction in marks above
how much marks does IT paper consist in board exams???
50marks paper internal 5o marks
25 cbse board only
50 theory 50 pratical