CBSE Class 12 Biotechnology Syllabus 2024-25

Check below full Biotechnology syllabus of CBSE class 12 exam. We have mentioned here CBSE class 12 Biotechnology syllabus 2024-25 for both written as practical exam. The Biotechnology syllabus of CBSE class 12 exam has been released now: An Overview , Molecules of Life , Genetics and Molecular Biology and term II includes Genetics and Molecular Biology (Contd.), Cells and Organisms and Practical.
CBSE Class 12 Biotechnology Syllabus 2024-25
CBSE class 12 syllabus for Biotechnology is provided below-
Units | Marks | |
Unit V | Protein and Gene Manipulation | 40 |
Unit VI | Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation | 30 |
Practicals | 30 | |
Total | 100 |
Unit-V Protein and Gene Manipulation- 40 marks
Chapter-1: Recombinant DNA Technology
Introduction, Tool of Recombinant DNA technology, Making rDNA molecule, Introduction of recombinant DNA into host cells, Identification of recombinants, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), DNA Sequencing.
Chapter-2: Protein Structure and Engineering
Introduction to the world of proteins, Structure-function Relationship in proteins, Characterization of proteins, Protein based products, Designing proteins (Protein Engineering)
Chapter-3: Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Gene prediction and counting, Genome similarity, SNPs and Comparative genomics, Functional genomics, Proteomics, Information sources, Analysis using bioinformatics tools.
Unit-VI Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation- 30 marks
Chapter-1: Microbial Cell Culture and its Applications
Introduction, Microbial nutrition and culture techniques, Measurement and kinetics of microbial growth, Isolation of microbial products, Strain isolation and improvement, Applications of microbial culture technology.
Chapter -2: Plant Cell Culture and Applications
Introduction, Cell and tissue culture techniques, Applications of cell and tissue culture, Transgenic plants with beneficial traits, Biosafety of transgenic plants
Chapter-3: Animal Cell Culture and Applications
Introduction, Animal cell culture techniques, Applications of animal cell culture, Stem cell technology.
Full List of PRACTICALS: 30 marks
Note: Every student will be required to do the following experiments during the academic session.
- Use of special equipment in biotechnology experiments
- Isolation of bacterial plasmid DNA
- Detection of DNA by gel electrophoresis
- Estimation of DNA by UV spectroscopy
- Isolation of bacteria from curd & staining of bacteria
- Cell viability assay using Evan’s blue dye exclusion method
- Data retrieval and database search using internet site NCBI and download a DNAand protein sequence from internet, analyze it and comment on it
- Reading of a DNA sequencing gel to arrive at the sequence
- Project work
Prescribed Books:
- A Text Book of Biotechnology – Class XI : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
- As reference- Biotechnology – Class XI : Published by NCERT, New Delhi
- A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology – Class XI : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
- A Text Book of Biotechnology – Class XII : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
- A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology – Class XII : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
Check– CBSE class 12 Biotechnology syllabus pdf