CBSE Class 3 Maths Syllabus 2024-25 (Download PDF)

Knowledge of the syllabus for any subject of any class is the first step taken towards sincere study. Similarly the class 3 students should completely familiarize themselves with the Mathematics syllabus before they start studying. The CBSE has prepared the comprehensive syllabus with the aim to provide awareness to the students about the different topics that can help in their intellectual growth. The syllabus for Mathematics subject of class 3 also consists of the topics important for the examinations.
This article consists of complete details related to the CBSE Class 3 Maths Syllabus 2024. All the important chapters that the students of class 3 must study in order to perform well in their class and score good marks in their exams are provided.
CBSE Class 3 Maths Syllabus 2024-25
The syllabus of class 3 Mathematics comprise of 14 different chapters that familiarize the students with the important topics like Fun with Numbers, Shapes and Designs, Play with Patterns, Smart Charts, etc. These chapters enhance the learning of the students in an interactive manner. It also helps the students in developing certain way of thinking and reasoning. With every chapter there are related exercises that must be solved by the students once they finish the specific chapter. Check the details of the different chapters CBSE Class 3 Maths syllabus 2024-25 below.
Check about CBSE syllabus
Chapters for Class 3 Mathematics
- Chapter 1 –> Where To Look From
- Chapter 2 –> Fun With Numbers
- Chapter 3 –> Give And Take
- Chapter 4 –> Long And Short
- Chapter 5 –> Shapes And Designs
- Chapter 6 –> Fun With Give And Take
- Chapter 7 –> Time Goes On
- Chapter 8 –> Who Is Heavier
- Chapter 9 –> How Many Times
- Chapter 10 –> Play With Patterns
- Chapter 11 –> Jugs And Mugs
- Chapter 12 –> Can We Share
- Chapter 13 –> Smart Charts
- Chapter 14 –> Rupees And Paise
Not just the students, but it is also important that the teachers as well the parents make sure to follow the syllabus while teaching the kids. The topics mentioned here are not just important for their exams but also forms the basis of all the other things that they will learn in the higher classes. It is therefore necessary that the syllabus is followed strictly and correctly without leaving any topic.