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City Montessori School (CMS) Lucknow: Admission 2024-25, Fee Structure, Contact Number

CMS Lucknow: Established in 1959 by Drs Jagdish and Bharti Gandhi, City Montessori School (CMS) is a popular co-ed K-12 day school in Lucknow with its 18 campuses across the city. One can obtain the application for admission in City Montessori School Lucknow from the Principal of the concerned campus. Admission to Pre-Primary classes and Playgroup is based on of age of child, while admission to class 3 and above is confirmed based on students’ previous year’s result and a written exam organized by the school followed by an interview with the Principal. We are sharing crucial information regarding CMS Lucknow regarding its application form, eligibility criteria, age criteria, admission process, fee structure, contact details etc.

 CMS Lucknow Curriculum

  • Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)

  • Indian School Certificate (ISC)

  • International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

  • Advanced Level (A-Level)

City Montessori School Lucknow Admission 2024-25

The application for admission is available to the Principal of the concerned campus and parents seeking admission to their wards can contact the school Principal.

Admission to Playgroup and Pre-Primary classes is offered as per the age of child. The age criteria for admission is shared below-

  • Montessori class- 3 years
  • Nursery class- 4 years
  • Kindergarten (KG) class- 5 years

For admission, it will be required to produce Birth certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation, however, if it’s not available the alternate IDs will be acceptable.

Candidates are offered admission to class 3 and above based on their previous year’s result and performance in the written exam organized by the school followed by an interview with the Principal.

The admission policy of City Montessori School Lucknow is available in CMS Dossier that is sent to home of all students. It will also help parents to get quick resolution of their concerns.

City Montessori School Lucknow Transport

Due to the limited availability of school rickshaws, vans and buses guardians are requested to make their own arrangement for transportation.

If School Rickshaw, bus and bus facility is availed by guardians then it will be valid for the entire session i.e. from July 2024 to June 2025. In an extreme case, a guardian is allowed to discontinue the transport service however in this case he/she has to give an advance notice of one month and pay one month’s transport fee.

The school tries its best to offer satisfactory transport service however in case of delay due to mechanical breakdown guardians are required to make their own arrangements.

City Montessori School Lucknow Fee Structure

Please go through the fee structure of City Montessori School- one of the top schools in Lucknow.

Classes Monthly Composite Fee (in rupees)
Classes Mont, Nur, KG3750/-
Class 15620/-
Classes 2,3,4,55850/-
Classes 6,7 & 87750/-
Classes 9 & 109680/-
Classes 11 & 129960/-

Please find the full fee structure of the school below:

CMS Montessori School Lucknow Contact Details

City Montessori School

Head Office
12, Station Road,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: +91 522 2638738, 2638606
Fax: +91 522 2638008

Quality Assurance & Innovations Department
10, Station Road, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: +91 522 2638733, 2638738
Fax: +91 522 2638008

CMS Departments

Address:12 Station Road, Kohli Building, Lucknow.
Telephones:2638738, 2638606, 2638483, 2637655, 2637691, 2637658
Fax:2638008, 2635497
Address:12 Station Road, Kohli Building, Lucknow
Telephones:2638733, 2638738, 2637658, 2638483 & 2638606 (Ext -214)
Address:10 Station Road, Lucknow.
Telephones:2638606, 2638738, 2638483 (Ext -228), 2638301
Address:10 Station Road, Lucknow.
Address:LDA, Kanpur Road CAMPUS , Lucknow

Official website:

Mohit Verma

Mohit holds a degree in Computer Science Engineering and is truly passionate about writing. He is dedicated towards creative and conceptual writing paradigm. At Edudwar, he writes on various schools and latest news, with special focus on newest & upcoming admissions.

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  1. I want admission in class 6 of my child in cms lucknow . Presently my daughter is studying in class 5 th in ayodhya faizabad ayodhya

    1. He is verry prestigious school .
      You can get admission in the school easily. if careing together with school your children Definitely become a successful person in society


  2. NewFees :
    Admission Fees :
    Classes Prospectus & Form Fee Admission Fee Security/Caution Money
    Classes 9, 10 1000/- 9000/- 5000/-

    Class Computer Fees (Monthly) Science Fee (Annual)
    Class 9 & 10 900/- 1050/-

    Classes Monthly Composite Fee
    Classes 9 & 10 9860/-

  3. Sir I want 1st class admission to aur Datar in that time posible or not please confirm me in the Aliganj lucknow branch

  4. Mujhe Apne daughter ka admission karana hai fifth class mein is criteria kya hoga and admission fees kya hoga aur yearly fees kya hogi please help me

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