Akshaya Tritiya 2024: Date, Puja Time, Gold Purchase Time, Muhurat, Significance

Akshaya Tritiya 2024 falls on Fridday, 10th May. This day is dedicated to lord Vishnu. It is believed that buying precious metals like gold or silver on Akha Teej brings good luck and prosperity.
Akshaya Tritiya is also known as Akha Teej or Akti in many parts of India. It is an annual festival celebrated by Hindus and Jains.
There is no fixed date for this festival in the western calendar because the date of this festival is decided as per the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated on the 3rd lunar day or tithi of Shukla Paksha of the month of Visakha. Hindus and Jains in India and Nepal observe this festival as the “third day of unending prosperity”.
A lot of rituals are performed during this festival such as prayers, distribution of sugarcane juice, festive food distribution, buying gold, etc. are performed during this festival.
Akshaya Tritiya Date and Time
As you can see the term Akshaya Tritiya is made up of two words i.e. “Akshayya” and “Tritiya”. Here, “Akshayya” means “never endingness” in the sense of “prosperity, hope, Joy, Success” and Tritiya means “third lunar day” in the month of Vaisakha as per the Hindu calendar.
Here are the date and timings
Akshaya Tritiya Date: Friday 10th May 20024
Akshaya Tritiya Puja Muhurat: Morning 5.48 AM to 12.23 PM
Total Duration: 6hr 35 Minutes
Tritiya Tithi Start: 10th May Morning 4.17 AM
Tritya Tithi End: 11th May Morning 2.50 AM
Significance of Akshaya Tritiya in Jain Tradition
In Jainism, this day is considered auspicious because on Akshaya Tritiya the first Tirthankara’s (Lord Rishabhdev) ends his asceticism of one year by consuming sugarcane juice. Some Jains also call this festival Varshi Tapa. People do fasting at various pilgrimage sites like Palitana (Gujarat).
On Akshaya Tritiya, people who fast (Varshi tap or Tapasya) for one year can finish their Tapasya by consuming sugarcane juice.
Importance of Akshaya Tritiya in Hindu Tradition

In Hinduism, this day is considered ideal for the beginning of new ventures, doing marriages, buying expensive ornaments, properties, etc. This day is very special for those Hindus who are engaged in different spiritual activities like yoga, japa, meditation, reading scriptures, etc.
According to the Vedic literature, on this auspicious day, we should get the spiritual strengths. You may get these strengths by doing special pujas, reading of scriptures, charities, the family deity worship, associated with devotees, planting and watering trees, sponsoring the education of poor kids, etc. The festival of Akshaya Tritiya falls in the month of “Vaishakha”. In this month, Parashuram Jayanti is also celebrated.
Akshaya Tritiya Puja and Yagna
According to Hindu Mythology, treta yuga was started on Akshaya Tritiya. This tithi is very auspicious to start new work especially any charity or a good act. A lot of people buy gold and conduct different pujas on this day.
The yagnas are conducted to celebrate never-ending growth and prosperity. The Lord Vishnu is specially worshipped on this day. Along with the Lord Vishnu, Laxmi and Kuber are also worshipped on this date.
Benefits of Akshaya Tritiya Puja
- Worshiping Lord Vishnu on Akshiya Tritiya result in the grace of Laxmi, Vishnu, and Kuber
- Success in careers with a lot of name and fame.
- Good wealth, health, and prosperity.
- Fulfilment of all desires and spiritual development.
Why people purchase Gold on Akshaya Tritiya?
As stated earlier, a lot of people buy gold on this date. There are many reasons behind this as given below.
- The main and the most common reason why people buy Gold on Akshaya Tritiya is that it is considered the ideal and auspicious time to purchase expensive items including gold. Those who buy gold on this date get an increase in opulence.
- As per many beliefs, it is considered that on this day the lord Kubera gets the post of treasurer. So, buying gold in this day pleases Lord Kuber.
- Another reason to buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya is that this festival falls in the months favorable for engagements and marriages. In Hindu culture, a lot of gold jewellery is bought. So, the date of Akshaya Tritiya becomes the logical choice to buy Gold. Even Marriages performed on this date are considered very auspicious and it brings harmony and peace.
Dos And Don’ts on Akshaya Tritiya?
- अक्षय तृतीया के दिन बिना स्नान किए तुलसी के पत्ते नहीं तोड़ने चाहिए।
- अक्षय तृतीया के दिन खाली हाथ घर नहीं जाना चाहिए। आपको सोना, चांदी या धातु से बनी कोई छोटी वस्तु भी खरीदनी चाहिए।
- अक्षय तृतीया के दिन आपको देवी लक्ष्मी के साथ भगवान विष्णु की पूजा करनी चाहिए।
- आपको अपने घर को साफ रखना चाहिए।
- अक्षय तृतीया के दिन अपने घर में कहीं भी अंधेरा न होने दें।
Question 1: 2024 में कब है अक्षय तृतीया?
Answer: इस साल अक्षय तृतीया 10th May 2024 को पड़ रही है।
Question 2: Which God is Worshipped on Akshaya Tritiya?
Answer: On Akshaya Tritiya, we worship Lord Vishnu with Goddess Lakshmi.
Question 3: What should we do on Akshaya Tritiya ?
Answer: You should donate beds, water, clothes, sandalwood, kumkum, betel leaves, buttermilk, and coconut as it brings special blessing from Lord Vishnu with Goddess Lakshmi.
Question 4: Can we marry on Akshaya Tritiya?
Answer: Yes, this day is considered highly auspicious for marriage.
Question 5: Is Akshaya Tritiya good for childbirth?
Answer: Yes, however you must consult your doctor regarding baby and mother health condition and whether it is right time for birth or not.
Question 6: Is Akshaya Tritiya good for Griha Pravesh?
Answer: Yes, this day is highly auspicious for Griha Pravesh.
Kya akshya tithi k din baby conceive kr skte h kya?
Can we put admission for child in lkg. Because this Atchaya thiruthi falls on Tuesday
can the site registration be done on the day of akshaya tritiya
Bhumi poojan and New kudai karana subh Maharaj Ji.