GK Questions and Answers on Delhi

Solve Delhi GK quiz 2024 where you are getting chance to solve over 150 important GK questions.

  1. In what year did Balban, the ruler of the Ghulam dynasty, die in Delhi?

1286 AD

  1. What percentage of the state of Delhi is covered by forest?

11.88 percent

  1. The Lotus Temple in Delhi belongs to which faith?


  1. Which Mughal Emperor has his tomb located in Delhi?


  1. To protect the forests, who had inaugurated ‘Tree Ambulance’ in Delhi?

Sheila Dikshit

  1. During the Mughal era the capital kept changing from Delhi to another city. Name the other city?


  1. The second largest museum in India is located in Delhi. What is it called?

National Museum of India

  1. Where is Asia’s most important library located in Delhi?

Parliament house

  1. Delhi University was established in which year?


  1. India’s first-ever national police museum will be established in which city?


  1. The Delhi Cabinet on 3rd October, 2019, approved the bill to set up _____?

India’s first Sports University

  1. Delhi is the largest city in India in terms of area with a total area of?

1,484 square kilometers

  1. When was the first general election of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi


  1. In Mahabharata, this land of Delhi was initially a huge mass of forests called?


  1. When did the Delhi ruler Firuz Shah Tughlaq die?


  1. The shrine of which Sufi saint is located in Delhi?

Nizam-ud-Din Auliya

  1. Which of the following gardens located within the residence of the President of India opens for general public during the spring season?

Mughal Gardens

  1. Delhi has one of the largest spice market yards in all of Asia located in?

Khari Baoli

  1. Who built the ancient ‘Lalkot’ Fort in Delhi?


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