How to Crack School Admission Interview for Parents?

Along with your ward you should also make yourself ready for the interview. Here are few helpful tips for parents to clear school interview easily.

All parents want their kids to study in the best school. At the same time, it is also true that there are limited numbers of good schools available in most of the cities. So, almost every good school receives a lot of applications every year. To shortlist the applications, many schools conduct interviews of students and parents. Many parents are often about the questions to be asked in the interview and how to prepare for them. If you are one such parent looking to prepare for the admission interview then this is of your significance. Here, we are going to list some helpful tips to crack Admission interviews for parents.

How to Crack School Admission Interview for parents in 2024?

It is important that you understand that the school is looking to choose the best-fit candidates at the time of admission interview. Given below are some tips that you may follow in order to clear the interview.

Don’t be late

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you should never be late for your interview. Reaching on time, indicating that you punctual cares a lot about the interview. It is important for you to understand that during the admission session, the schools are usually busy and they don’t have much time to wait for a single candidate.

However, if you have some very urgent work because of some unavoidable circumstances then you must ensure that you inform the school about the same. You should request the school politely to reschedule your interview to any other time suitable for you. It is also recommended that you should explain why you have to get the interview rescheduled at the time of the interview.

Avoid talking about your status or Financial Strength

It is important for you to understand that no school wants to know about your status and lavish lifestyle. So, you should avoid talking about the same. At the same time, it is true that some schools might want to know about your financial status and capability to pay donations. Well, you should never enroll your child in such a school because they might be good at teaching academics but they can’t teach values. The bottom line is you should never brag about your money and power at the time of the interview.

Never compare the school with others

You might be giving interviews at many schools but you should never compare any school to the others at the time of the interview. At times parents tend to compare facilities available at the other schools during the interview. There is no point comparing such things at the time of the interview because the schools are offering the best they can. So, we recommend you avoid such things.

Don’t be too friendly

Some parents try to impress principal and teachers they try to be too friendly. Generally, the schools are not interested in knowing your family background, your morning schedule, etc. Being too friendly might work against your favour. You just have a simple handshake and carry on with your formal interview.

Check: best schools in India

Make sure your kid knows more than just the basics.

It is better to make your kids learn a few important things before the interview. Make sure your child knows some basic information like the name of the school, parents, profession of parents, residence, city, state, country name, etc. Apart from this, you may let your kid know about other things like colours name, number, alphabets, fruits, vegetable name, national anthem, etc. You should also identify the weaknesses of your kid and work on them.


Given below are some important questions that are asked every now and then.

Question – 1: May I know your Names?

Answer: To answer this question, you just have to tell your name and the name of your spouse in a polite manner.

Question – 2: What is your child’s name?

Answer: The next question might be about your son’s name. To answer this, you may either tell the name of your kid or help your child to tell his/her name.

Question – 3: Please tell us something about your child?

Answer: This is a very important question. While replying to this question, you may tell about the general habits of a child including her/ his likes, disliking. Also, tell how ready your kid to join the school is. Assure that the school administrator will not have to work hardwhile teaching your kid.

Question – 4: Please tell us something about yourself as well?

Answer:Through this question, interviewers just want to know general things about you. Here, you have to tell about your education, profession, etc. At the time of answering this question, you may also tell the interviewers about vision of how you are going to raise your child.

Question – 5: Are you a nuclear family or a joint family?

Answer:This is also a common question asked by a lot of interviewers. By this question, schools want to know how you will be able to give time to your kid. In case both the parents are working, joint families are better. If you are a nuclear family then you have to explain that you or your spouse will be able to devote enough time to your child.

Question – 6: How your relationship is going?

Answer: Well, this is an extremely important question. You might be asked about your argument with your family members and does it impact your child, etc. It is important for your child’s holistic development that he/ she gets a peaceful atmosphere. You should explain and assure that your kid will get a peaceful environment at home.

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