Important Days in December 2024: National and International

December is the twelfth and last month of the Gregorian and Julian calendar that got its name from the Latin word decem, meaning ten. Originally December was the tenth month of the year in the Romulus calendar. In this month, a number of significant days are observed, some of national importance while others of global importance. In this article, a list of important days in December 2023 have been provided along with a little insight on the major ones celebrated.
There are more than 100 specials days in December 2024 and it also includes- World AIDS day, Indian Navy Day, World soil day, Armed forces flag day, Human rights day among others.
December 2024 Important Days List
Some special days falling in the month of December includes World AIDS Day, Navy Day (India), Christmas, International Anti-Corruption Day, etc. Check out the complete list of Important Day & Dates observed in December month provided below.
1 December 2024- World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day is observed every year on 1st December with the aim to raise awareness of AIDS caused by the HIV infection. World AIDS Day is one of the eleven health related campaigns run by the World Health Organization.
2 December 2024- International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Every year, 2nd December is observed as International Day for the Abolition of Slavery by the nations worldwide to raise awareness against human trafficking and the exploitation of human in any similar form. The first event was organized by the UN General Assembly in 1986.
3 December 2024- International Day of Persons with Disabilities
To honor people over the world who overcome their disabilities everyday and lead a successful life, United Nations‘ International Day of Persons with Disabilities is observed annually on December 3. The day also aims to bring people’s attention towards the issues faced by disabled persons and what we can do to help them.
4 December 2024- Indian Navy Day
Navy Day is observed every year on December 4 and remembers the role and importance that the navy plays in the security of the country. The day also commemorates the navy personnel who were killed in the Indo-Pakistan war in the year 1971.
5 December 2024- World Soil Day
5 December is observed every year as World Soil Day to bring people’s attention towards the importance of soil and what can be done to stop its quality from degrading. The day is observed worldwide with different countries having themes of their own to celebrate this day.
7 December 2024- Armed Forces Flag Day (India)
Armed Forces Flag Day or Flag Day of India is observed annually on December 7 since 1949 and is dedicated to the collection of funds from all over the country for the welfare of the Indian Armed Forces.
9 December 2024- International Anti-Corruption Day
To raise public awareness for anti-corruption, the International Anti-Corruption Day is observed annually on December 9. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption was passed in the year 2003 on October 31st and from then onward, every year the world observes the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9.
10 December 2024- Human Rights Day
To promote the rights of human and make people people aware of them, every year 10th December is celebrated as Human Rights Day. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations all over the world organize events in the celebration of this day.
11 December 2024- International Mountain Day
To encourage development of mountains in a sustainable manner, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 11th December as Mountain Day or International Mountain Day. This day also aims to raise awareness about people who live in mountain environments and how mountains should be developed to preserve the heritage of these people.
14 December 2024- National Energy Conservation Day
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has decided to observe December 14 as National Energy Conservation Day to create awareness about the conservation of energy. National Energy Conservation Awards are also awarded to the industries for energy conservation as a part of this observance.
18 December 2024- Minorities Rights Day in India
To protect the rights of the minorities and to keep them aware of their rights, Minorities Rights Day is observed in India every year on 18 December.
20 December 2024- International Human Solidarity Day
To recognize the universal values of poor and work for the eradication of poverty, it was decided by the United Nations that International Human Solidarity Day will be observed every year on December 20. This day is also celebrated by helping socially or mentally challenged people.
22 December 2024- National Mathematics Day
The birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of the greatest Mathematician of India, is celebrated as National Mathematics Day. It is observed every year on December 22nd and is celebrated since 2012.
23 December 2024- Kisan Diwas
Farmer’s Day or National Farmer’s Day or Kisan Diwas is celebrated every year on 23 December and marks the birth anniversary of farmer leader and 5th Prime Minister of India Choudhary Charan Singh. His efforts to improve the condition of farmers in India are also honored on this very day.
24 December 2024- Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in Christian community and marks the evening before the Christmas. Every year, it falls on December 24 and Christmas celebrations in the denominations of Western Christianity begun from this day.
25 December 2024: Christmas Day
Christmas is a major festival of Christians that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed every year on December 25. This day is observed as a national holiday in many countries with billions of people all around the globe celebrating this festival.
31 December 2024- New Year’s Eve
The evening of 31st December is observed every year as New Year’s Eve and marks the last day of the ongoing year. People begin the celebration of coming New Year from the day of New Year’s Eve itself with parties, food and fireworks.
List of Special Days in December 2024
Have a look at the list of most important days observed worldwide in December:
Date | Important Days list | Celebration |
December 1 | World Aids Day | Global |
December 2 | World Computer Literacy Day | Global |
National Pollution Control Day | India | |
December 3 | World Disability Day | Global |
December 4 | Indian Navy Day | India |
December 5 | International Volunteer Day | Global |
World Soil Day | Global | |
December 6 | Bhimrao Ambedkar Death Anniversary | India |
December 7 | Armed Forces Flag Day | India |
International Civil Aviation Day | Global | |
December 9 | International Anti-Corruption Day | Global |
December 10 | Human Rights Day | Global |
December 11 | International Mountain Day | Global |
UNICEF Foundation Day | Global | |
December 12 | National Horse Day | United States |
December 14 | National Energy Conservation Day | India |
December 15 | National Cupcake Day | United States |
December 18 | International Migrants Day | Global |
Minorities Rights Day in India | India | |
December 20 | International Human Solidarity Day | Global |
December 22 | National Mathematics Day | India |
December 23 | Kisan Diwas | India |
December 24 | National Consumer Rights Day | India |
December 25 | Christmas | Global |
December 26 | Shaheed Udham Singh Jayanti | India |
December 31 | New Year’s Eve | Global |
National Mathematics Day
December 23
December 25
December 26