Important Days in November 2024: National and International Special Days List

International days in November 2023 includes World vegan day, National career awareness day, World pneumonia day, world kindness day, and many others.

Knowledge about important days or events is helpful in creating awareness about important topics of national and international concern. Other than this, important days and dates play a significant part of syllabus of various competitive exams as well. The month of November observes a number of such days, a list of which has been discussed below in this article. Keep reading the article for more information on the Important Days in November.

Special Days & Dates in November

November is the eleventh and the second last month of the year and observes some important days most of which are of global significance. A list comprising of such important and special days & dates in November 2023 has been provided below. Please note that some of the days are are of national importance as well.

World Vegan Day– 1st November 2024

To make people aware of the benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment, the World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1. This day is celebrated in many countries by means of activities such as setting up stalls, hosting potlucks, etc.

World Tsunami Day– 5th November 2024

Every year,  5th November is celebrated as World Tsunami Awareness Day with the aim to keep people aware and help them prepare against tsunami. Although, tsunamis do not occur very frequently, but preparedness can be effective in case they hit as they can sometimes be very dangerous.

International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict- 6th November 2024

To prevent the exploitation of natural resources and use them in any way for war related activities, the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict is observed every year on November 6. it is also known as World Day to Protect the Environment in War.

National Cancer Awareness Day (India)- 7th November 2024

To raise the awareness of cancer among people and to familiarize them with the ways for their prevention, detection and treatment, National Cancer Awareness Day is observed every year 7th of November.

World Pneumonia Day– 12th November 2024

Every year on 12th November, World Pneumonia Day is observed with the aim to raise awareness regarding pneumonia and how it can be prevented or treated. The day is observed in many countries and millions of people join the fight against pneumonia every year.

World Kindness Day– 13th November 2023

To honor those who perform good deeds for making the society better place and who shower kindness irrespective of caste, religion or any other barriers, the World Kindness Day is observed every year on 13th November.

Children’s Day (India)– 14th November 2024

Children’s Day (India) is celebrated in India on 14th of November every year and marks the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Pandit Nehru had great affection towards children and was famously called as Chacha Nehru among them. It is therefore his birth anniversary is observed as Children’s Day. Many educational and cultural events are held in various schools on this day.

International Day for Tolerance- 16th November 20234

To make people aware of the dangers of intolerance, the International Day for Tolerance is observed worldwide every year on 16th November. Different events take place in different parts of world to celebrate this day.

National Epilepsy Day (India)- 17th November 2024

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder that results in recurrent seizures caused due to sudden, excessive electrical discharges in the neurons. To make people more familiar about this disease and its treatment, National Epilepsy Day is observed in India every year on 17 November.

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day- 19th November 2024

To honor the hard work of women entrepreneurs and to encourage more women to be entrepreneurs, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is observed globally on 19 November. The day was founded by American author and television personality, Wendy Diamond in the year 2014.

World Children’s Day– 20th November 2024

World Children’s Day or Universal Children’s Day is observed by the United Nations on 20 November every year with the aim to protect and promote children’s right and to draw people’s attention towards the global issues faced by the children.

World Television Day– 21st November 2024

The World Television Day is observed every year on 21 November and commemorates the date on which the first World Television Forum was held in 1996. The aim is not to promote televisions but to the role it plays in media and communication.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women– 25th November 2024

To raise awareness regarding violence against women in form of rape, domestic violence and others, the United nation observes November 25 as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Many countries participate in this event and draw new safety measures for protection of women.

Constitution Day (India)- 26th November 2024

Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day, is observed on 26 November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India in the year 1949. The Constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950 and this day is observed as Republic Day of India.

Other Significant Dates in November 2024

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are other important days observed in November as well. A list of other important days for November 2024 (after excluding the days discussed above) has been provided below.

Important Days in NovemberRespective Dates
November 1All Saints’ Day
All Souls’ Day
Karnataka Formation Day
November 2Day of the Dead
November 3World Jellyfish Day
World Sandwich Day
November 5Bhupen Hazarika Death Anniversary
November 7Infant Protection Day
Melbourne Cup Day
November 8World Radiography Day
November 9National Legal Services Day
Uttarakhand Foundation Day
November 10World Public Transport Day
November 11National Education Day
November 12World Pneumonia Day
November 13World Kindness Day
November 14Children’s Day
World Diabetes Day
November 15Jharkhand Foundation Day
November 16International Day for Tolerance
November 17National Epilepsy Day
World vasectomy Day
November 18National Naturopathy Day
November 19International Men’s Day
World Toilet Day
November 20Universal Children’s Day
November 21World Television Day
World Hello Day
November 25International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,
November 26Constitution Day of India
November 27Guru Nanak Jayanti
November 28Thanksgiving Day
November 30St. Andrews Day


When is Guru Nanak Jayanti?

Friday, November 15, 2024

When is St. Andrew’s Day?

Sat, 30 Nov, 2024

When is World Television day?

Thu, 21 Nov, 2024

Which days are observed on November 1?

World Vegan Day, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day

Team Edudwar

Editorial Team Edudwar.com

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