Important Inventions & Discoveries (Check Important GK Questions)

It is often said that curiosity is the mother of Invention. However, it is true that not all of us are curious enough to do revolutionary discoveries. Thankfully, there have been many notable people on the earth who changed mankind completely. GK questions based on the various inventions and discoveries are often asked on various competitive exams including SSB, RRB, Bank, UPSC, etc.
As per many experts, “Inventions & Discoveries” is one of the crucial sections of Static Gk. You can maximum marks in this section with minimum effort. To help students prepare, we are sharing the list of top inventions and Discoveries. In addition to this, we are also going to share important GK questions on Inventions and Discoveries that are often asked in the examinations.
List of all important Inventions and Discoveries in the world
Most of the important discoveries and inventions in the history of mankind are given below. Candidates should check the list of Important Inventions & Discoveries PDF for future references.
Barometer by Evangelista Torricelli in 1643
Vacuum pump by Otto von Guericke in 1650
Friction machine by Otto von Guericke in 1663
Piano by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1709
Artificial refrigeration machine by William Cullen in 1755
Steam engine by James Watt in 1765
Weighing scale by Richard Salter in 1770
Boring machine by John Wilkinson in 1774
Screw-cutting lathe by Jesse Ramsden in 1775
Mechanical air compressor by John Wilkinson in 1776
Steamboat by Claude de Jouffroy in 1783
Manned hot air balloon by Joseph-Ralf and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier in 1783
threshing machine by Andrew Meikle in 1786
Electrolysis technique by Martinus van Marum in 1785
Sewing machine by Thomas Saint in 1790
Modern semaphore telegraph by Claude Chappe in 1792
Modern Cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793
Hydraulic Press by Joseph Bramah in 1795
Plywood by Samuel Bentham in 1797
First motorized air compressor by George Medhurst in 1799
Paper Machine by Louis Nicolas Robert in 1799
Arc lamp by Humphry Davy in 1802
Morphine by Friedrich Serturner in 1804
Steam Locomotive by Richard Trevithick in 1804
Wristwatch by Abraham-Louis Breguet in 1810
Printing press by Friedrich Koeing in 1811
Safety lamp by William Reid Clanny in 1812
Modern planing machine by James Fox in 1814
Electric telegraph by Francis Ronalds in 1816
Stirling engine by Robert Stirling in 1816
Tunnelling shield by Marc Isambard Brunel in 1818
Electromagnet by William Sturgeon in 1825
Friction Match by John Walker in 1826
Reaping Machine by Patrick Bell in 1828
Compound Air Compressor by William Mann in 1829
Computer (Father of the computer) by Charles Babbage
Lawn Mower by Edwin Budding in 1830
Electromagnetic induction by Michael Faraday in 1831
Morse code by Samuel Morse in 1837
Steam Hammer by James Nasmyth in 1839
Photovoltaic effect by Edmond Becquerel in 1839
Portland cement by Issac Charles Johnson in 1845
Superphosphate (man-made fertilizer) by John Bennet Lawes in 1842
Fuel Cell by William Robert Grove in 1842
Printing Telegraph by Alexander Bain in 1841
Pneumatic drill by Jonathan J. Couch in 1848
Lead acid battery (1st Rechargeable battery) by Gaston Plante in 1859
Geissler tube by Heinrich Geissler in 1857
Reinforced concrete by Francois Coignet in 1853
Chemical vapor deposition by Robert Bunsen in 1852
Hydraulic Accumulator by Sir William Armstrong in 1850
Dynamite by Alfred Nobel in 1867
Pasteurization by Louis Pasteur in 1864
Carbon Fibers by Joseph Swan in 1860
Pelton Wheel by Lester Allan Pelton in 1878
Phonograph by Thomas Edison in 1877
Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
First Electric Tram by Fyodor Pirostsky in 1875
Crookes radiometer by Sir William Crookes in 1873
Stainless steel by Stainless steel in 1872
Steam Engine by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884
Safety Bicycle by John Kemp Starley in 1885
Carbon arc welding by Nikolay Banardos in 1881
First petrol or gasoline powered auto-mobile by Karl Benz in 1886
Zipper by Whitcomb in 1891
Radiograph (x-rays) by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895
Ballpoint Pen by John J. Loud in 1888
Cinematograph by Léon Bouly in 1892
Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel in 1893
Rotary-wing aircraft by Paul Cornu in 1907
Cellophane by Jacques E. Brandenberger in 1908
Haber process by Fritz Haber in 1909
Kaplan turbine by Viktor Kaplan in 1913
Crystal Oscillator by Alexander M. Nicholson in 1917
Quartz clock by Warren Marrison and J.W. Horton in 1927
Ball Screw by Rudolph G. Boehm in 1929
Electron Microscope by Ernst Ruska in 1931
FM Radio by Edwin H. Armstrong in 1933
Supersonic combusting ramjet by Frank Whittle in 1930
Polyester by British scientists John Whinfield and James Dickson in 1941
Atomic clock by United States’s National Bureau of Standards in 1948
Holography by Dennis Gabor in 1947
Video tape recorder by Norikazu Sawazaki 1953.
Hard disk drive by IBM in 1956
Sputnik 1 (first artificial satellite) by Soviet Union in 1957
Intermodal container by Malcom McLean in 1955
Video tape recorder by Norikazu Sawazaki in 1953
Functioning laser by Theodore Maiman in 1960
Email by Ray Tomlinson in 1971
Self-driving car by the Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in 1977
Flash Memory by Fujio Masuoka in 1980
World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1990
Stereolithography by Chuck Hull in 1983
Bluetooth by Ericsson Mobile in 1994
Lithium-ion battery by John B. Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino in 1985
Blockchain by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008
Blu-ray optical disc format by Sony in 2000
Portable MP3 player by SaeHan Information Systems in 1998
Extreme ultraviolet lithography machine by ASML in 2010
First RNA vaccine for Covid – 19 by Pfizer and BioNTech in 2020.
Sample GK Questions on Important Inventions & Discoveries
Question – 1: Who invented the Typewriter?
- Peter Mitterhofer
- Henri Giffard
- Mary Anderson
- Edward Butler
Answer: 1 (Peter Mitterhofer)
Question – 2: In which year did Graham Bell discover the telephone?
- 1870
- 1875
- 1876
- 1880
Answer: 3 (1876)
Question – 3: Who discovered the sewing machine?
- Claude Chappe
- Thomas Saint
- Eli Whitney
- Alois Senefelder
Answer: 2 (Thomas Saint)
Question – 4: Who invented the first petrol or gasoline powered auto mobile car?
- Karl Benz
- Heinrich Hertz
- Nikolay Benardos
- Thomas Edison
Answer: 1 (Karl Benz)
Question – 5: Which company is credited with the invention of hard disk?
- Apple
- Microsoft
Answer: 3 (IBM)
Question – 6: FM Radio is patented by which inventor?
- Edwin H. Armstrong
- Ernst Zernike
- Frank Whittle
- Konarf Zuse
Answer: 1 (Edwin H. Armstrong)
Question – 7: Sir James Martin invents the ejector seat, inspired by the death of his friend and test pilot Captain Valentine Baker in an aeroplane crash in 1942. Which country does Sir James Martin belongs to?
- England
- Scotland
- Ireland
- Argentina
Answer: 3 (Ireland)
Question – 8: The pocket calculator is invented in which of the following country?
- Japan
- Germany
- China
Answer: 2 (Japan)
Question – 9: Who is known for the discovery of the theory of evolution?
- Charles Darwin
- Galileo
- Christiaan Ejikman
- Henrik Dam
Answer: 1 (Charles Darwin)
Question – 10: Which scientist is credited with the invention of a Xerox Machine?
- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
- Mary Anderson
- Chester Carlson
- Tim Berners Lee
Answer: 3 (Chester Carlson)