JNVST Class 6 Online Application Form 2024: Last Date (Till 31 August) , How to Apply, Documents to Upload, Registration is Free of Cost

The online application form for JNV selection test (class 6) is now available. Check here how to apply for JNVST, what is the last date to apply and what are the important documents required to be uploaded.
The online application form for JNV class 6 selection test is now available. The detailed procedure is shared below.
Note: The last date to apply for JNVST 2024 admission test is 17th August 2023.
JNVST Class 6 Online Application Form
Check some important details about JNVST Class 6 online application form:
The procedure for submission of application form for JNVST has been simplified through online process. There is no registration cost for registering at the admission portal of NVS www.navodaya.gov.in. Verification of proofs in term of age, residence, eligibility etc. will be done after the declaration of JNVST result.
Candidates who are eligible can fill up the application form in online mode. Further, it will be required to upload the certificate along with signature and photograph of both candidate
and his/her parent/guardian. The documents should be in jpg format and the size of the same should be in between 10-100 kb only.
NIOS students are required to obtain `B’ certificate and their residence should be in the same district where he/she is seeking admission.
There is no cost to use online platform to fill JNVST application form. Students can submit application using any laptop, desktop, mobile or tablet.
Help desks are situated in all JNVs in order to assist students/parents to upload application free of cost. Parents are required to approach the JNV help desk along with student and required documents such as certificate with photograph along with signature of both candidate and his/her parent/guardian and a mobile phone with valid mobile number for
How to Apply for JNV Class 6 Selection Test?
Here are step-by-step instructions to apply for JNV class 6 selection test:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti https://navodaya.gov.in/ and click the dedicated link to apply for class 6 selection test and you’ll be redirected to the link https://cbseitms.rcil.gov.in/nvs/?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.
Step 2: Here, you’ll find JNVST prospectus. Download the prospectus first and read all instructions provided. After you finish reading the instructions click the dedicated link for Class VI registration.
Step 3: Soon after clicking this link you’ll be redirected to the registration window where an application form will be appeared on your screen. Fist read instructions as mentioned (available in both English and Hindi language):
Instructions for the candidates:
The process of submission of online application involves only single stage.
The reservations to the OBC candidates shall be implemented as per Central List. The OBC candidates not included in Central list should apply as General Candidate.
Keep the following scanned copies ready before start filling the application.
- Candidate’s signature. (Size of signature should be between 10-100 kb for photo)
- Parent’s signature. (Size of signature should be between 10-100 kb for photo)
- Candidate’s photograph. (Size of images should be between 10-100 kb for photo)
- Certificate signed by parent and candidate. (Size of images should be between 50-300 kb for photo)
अभ्यर्थियों के लिए निर्देश–
ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया का केवल एक ही चरण है।
अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग के अभ्यर्थियों को आरक्षण केवल केन्द्रीय सूची के अनुसार दिया जाएगा। केन्द्रीय सूची के अन्तर्गत नहीं आने वाले अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग के अभ्यर्थी कृपया सामान्य अभ्यर्थी के रूप में आवेदन करें।
आवेदन प्रारम्भ करने से पहले कृपया निम्नानुसार स्केंड कॉपी तैयार रखें।
- अभ्यर्थी के हस्ताक्षर (हस्ताक्षर की इमेज का आकार 10-100 के.बी के बीच होना चाहिए।)
- अभिभावक के हस्ताक्षर (हस्ताक्षर की इमेज का आकार 10-100 के.बी के बीच होना चाहिए।)
- अभ्यर्थी का फोटोग्राफ (फोटोग्राफ का आकार 10-100 के.बी के बीच होना चाहिए।)
- अभिभावक तथा अभ्यर्थी द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित प्रमाण पत्र (हस्ताक्षरित प्रमाण पत्र का आकार 50-300 के.बी के बीच होना चाहिए।)
Step 4: Fill up the application form with all required details.

Step 5: Upload documents as mentioned in step 3 and submit your application if everything is correct.
If you have certain question related to JNVST application process the feel free to share it through the comment box below.
Apka no plz no hey ky
Rec,mam&sir my daughter is 9 class addmission plz Thank u
Dear sir/madam
I am trying from 4 days but after clicking on save and preview error showing kindly suggest or give alternate option to submit the form for 6 class
sir 6th class admission date plz
Please give me the form link
What is this certificate with parent and candidate signature required. the one mentioned in the upload section
Pl. Let me know what all certificates to be uploaded for class VI
The parents of the candidates who are provisionally selected for admission will have to submit the following documents at the time of admission for verification: –
i) Proof for date of birth.
ii) Proofs for eligibility as per the conditions of NVS.
iii) For candidates seeking admission under rural quota, the parents will also
have to submit a certificate from the competent authority to the effect
that the child had studied in an Institution / School located in a rural area.
iv) Residence Certificate in prescribed proforma in case of NIOS studies only
v) Any other documents required.
6class entrence date released sir
Hello sir there are any changes now to apply now for my son in class vi.
Sir/maam, can you please kindly tell me how can i get admission in yr school for my sister
Hii sir I am Rohit yadav
am trying to apply online for class 6 admission but due to poor network cnt apply .kindly suggest…
Can you plz send me the link of addmission process for grade 6.
For rajkot NVS .
Sir please information about class 9th admission for my daughter
I am apply 9th standard sir please apply
Sir class 6 admisan time
Sir please information about class 9th admission for my daughter
Morning sir my child is Rishikant
Me addmission karana chahta hu apne
Child ka plz uchit slah de kaese kar paunga iam very poor perents so plz suggest me thank you
I want to apply admission form to my daughter deeksha now from she class 5th and I apply his form in 6th class how to esly apply form 6th .plz tell me…
Jawahar Navodaya vidyalaya 9th class from sabmit date
Madam good evening madam 6th class ki admission eppudu please give me information mam
Plz information about class 9th admission for my daughter
It really great opportunities for all students for bring them higher education programs offered by central gov.
If we clear this exam.what will we get benefits of this exam.
You’ll get admission to class 6 in Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalaya after clearing this exam.
Thank you
How can we apply to navodaya schools
You need to apply online for Navodaya school admission. Hurry-up, please apply before the last date.
Most welcome!
Hello sir I am attach this paper on 2022
Sorry Kartik,
We didn’t get you. Please clarify your concern. Thank you!