K C Public School Kanth Moradabad
K C Public School is located in Kanth Moradabad. The school believes in providing quality education and environment for innovative learning. It has affiliation from Central Board of Secondary Education with affiliation number 2131153. Check below important details about K C Public School Kanth Moradabad regarding its admission for the session 2024-25, application process, fee structure, full address, and phone number.
K C Public School Kanth Moradabad
Affiliation Number | 2131153 |
District | MORADABAD |
Founded in | 2006 |
Status of The School | SENIOR SECONDARY |
Category of School | CO-EDUCATION |
Medium of instruction | ENGLISH |
Type of School | AFFILIATED |
Address | KANTH |
Phone Number | 9719746861 |
[email protected] | |
Official Website/URL | http://www.kcpublicschoolkanth.com |
Facilities Offered | LIBRARY,SPORTS AREA ETC. |
K C Public School Kanth Admission 2024-25
Please visit the official website of K C Public School Kanth or campus directly to get completion information regarding admission for the academic session 2024-25.
Check : Sunshine Public School Garuwala Moradabad
The school may release admission form either in online mode at its official website or it will be available at school office in offline mode.
Get in touch with the school official to know more about selection process, merit list, interview etc.
Check Modern Public School Delhi Road Moradabad
K C Public School Kanth Fee Structure
Please go through the fee structure of K C Public School Kanth:
Class | Class-wise Fee Chart | SC/ST Students Fee Chart- Admission Fee and Other Fee | ||
Monthly Fee | Annual Fee | Exam Fee | We take all half intense fee from SC/ST students10% students of SC/STTake education free of cost in this institution | |
1 | 500 | 1500 | 400 | |
2 | 500 | 1500 | 400 | |
3 | 500 | 1500 | 400 | |
4 | 550 | 1500 | 400 | |
5 | 550 | 1500 | 400 | |
6 | 600 | 2000 | 400 | |
7 | 600 | 2000 | 400 | |
8 | 600 | 2000 | 400 | |
9 | 700 | 3500 | 800 | |
10 | 700 | 3500 | 800 | |
11 | 900 | 5000 | 800 | |
12 | 900 | 5000 | 800 |
K C Public School Kanth Contact Details
Address: K C Public School, Mandi Samiti, Kanth, Distt- Moradabad (U.P)
Phone number- 9412473946, 9719746861
Official website- http://www.kcpublicschoolkanth.com/
Important Guidelines for Parents
Admission is just a beginning of your responsibility towards your child’s education- take it seriously.
Your child spends only five hours at the school. Please ensure their remaining hours should focus on their overall development.
Please make sure that your child comes to the school daily. Encourage him/her to study for minimum 3 to 6 hours at home under a good guidance.
Pay school fee on time and avoid giving much pocket money to your children.