Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule

Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule was founded in 2007, as a Civil Sector Vidyalaya. The school has affiliation from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and offers admission from class I onwards. The highest education offered by Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule is class XII. It is counted among 1255 Kendriya Vidyalayas located across the country and abroad. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi (an autonomous body of MHRD) is the concerned authority who manages the functionalities of this school.

A Quick Overview Of Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule

School NameKendriya Vidyalaya Dhule
CBSE Affiliation Number1100054
School CodeN/A
Mailing AddressOswal Nagar, Near MSEB Substation,

Nagaonbari, Deopur, Dhule


ओसवाल नगर, MSEB सबस्टेशन के पास,

नगाव बारी, देवपुर,धुले.

Phone Number(02562)270300,
FAX(02562) 270300
Regional Office AddressN/A
Official website
Lok-sabha ConstituencyDhule

Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule, Admission Schedule

For the academic session 2024-25, you need to register online for class 1 and in offline mode for other classes subject to the availability of vacancies. Admission to class 9 will be offered based on your performance in KV class 9 entrance test. For class 2-8, admissions would be based on Priority Category System. The complete KVS admission schedule will be provided after the release of its respective notification.

Facilities Offered By Kendriya Vidyalaya Dhule

Class Rooms18
Computer Labs1
Jr. Science Lab3
Resource Room(Primary)1
Staff Common Room1
Playing Ground1
Language Lab1
Activity Room1
Table Tennis Table1

Fee Structure (Per Month)

Admission FeeRs. 25.00
Re Admission FeeRs 100.00
Tuition Fee 
Class IX & X (Boys)Rs 200.00
Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boys)Rs 300.00
Class XI & XII Science (Boys)Rs.400.00
Computer Fund 
Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being impartedRs 100.00
Computer Science Fee. (for elective subjects) + 2 stageRs 150.00
Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (Classes I – XII)Rs. 500.00


  1. Dear Sir,

    We need for my daughter’s admission for 1st Class, can u share the admission process details.

    1. For class 1, you have to register online at the official website of KV Sanghthan. Admissions would be based upon the online draw of lots.

  2. हॉस्टेल सुविधा हे क्या?

  3. Sir मैं भारतीय रेलवे में हूं.
    1st class का Admission कब शुरु होगा इसकी जाणकारी प्राप्त करना चाहता हूँ… मेरा फोन नंबर 9369103764 हैं

  4. Sir मैं आर्मी में हूं.
    1st class का Admission कब शुरु होगा इसकी जाणकारी प्राप्त करणार चाहता हूँ…

  5. Dear Team,

    Please share 1st standard admission process which dated started my mobile no is 9422161222, i live in Devpur near KV school

  6. I need admission for my daughter for class 6th,std i expect reply ….about admission process

    My Contact Number 8698101717

    1. महोदय मे केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल का सदस्य हू वर्तमान मे अरुणाचल प्रदेश मे तैनात हू परिवार साथ रखने की सुविधा नही है मे देवपूर धुले का रहिवासी हू.इसलिये मुझे मेरे लडके का प्रथम कक्षा मे दाखिला करवाना हैं.कृपया प्रवेश प्रक्रिया कब से सुरु होगी सुचित करे.मेरा सम्पर्क न. 9766644450 हैं.धन्यवाद

    1. Admission details are being expected this month. Wait for the official notification to be released.

    2. महोदय मे केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल का सदस्य हू वर्तमान मे अरुणाचल प्रदेश मे तैनात हू परिवार साथ रखने की सुविधा नही है मे देवपूर धुले का रहिवासी हू.इसलिये मुझे मेरे लडके का प्रथम कक्षा मे दाखिला करवाना हैं.कृपया प्रवेश प्रक्रिया कब से सुरु होगी सुचित करे.धन्यवाद

  7. Dear Sir
    Please inform me for 3rd standard admission process for year 2020~21
    My Contact No 8263825236

    1. सर जी मला माझ्या मुलीची 1st क्लास मध्ये ऍडमिशन घेयाय ची तरी मला आपण मार्गदर्शन कराल तर कृपा होईल

      1. KV admission notification for the year 2020-2021 is yet to be announced.It may start in June 2020.

      2. मला माझ्या मुलाचे चौथी ला आणि मुलीचे Sr KG la admission करायचे आहे 2020-2021 साठी।मला माहिती हवी आहे।माझा कॉन्टॅक्ट नंबर 9987334397 आहे।

  8. To, Respected sir,

    please sent me 2nd std. & 3rd std. admission which dated started.

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