List of Intelligence Agencies of All Countries

Intelligence Agencies are those underrated government bodies that play crucial roles in the security of a country. Almost every country in the world has an intelligence agency that is responsible for many tasks such as the collection, and analysis of Information and Intelligence. The information provided by Intelligence Agencies is often useful for governments in tackling situations like criminal activities, military affairs, financial crimes, etc.

You might have heard about Intelligence Agencies like the CIA, RAW, ISI, etc. However, there are hundreds of other agencies in the world doing similar jobs for their respective countries. In today’s post, we are going to share the list of all Intelligence Agencies of in the world.

Top Intelligence Agencies in the World

Let’s take a look at the top-rated and best intelligence agencies in the World

CountryIntelligence Agencies
United States of America (USA)Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
AustraliaAustralian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
IsraelInstitute for Intelligence and Special Operations (Mossad)
IndiaResearch & Analysis Wing (RAW)
PakistanISI (Inter-Services Intelligence)
UKSecret Intelligence Service (MI6)
GermanyFederal Intelligence Service (BND)
FranceGeneral Directorate for External Security (DGSE)
BrazilBrazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN)
CanadaCanadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

Functions of Intelligence Agencies

Before moving on to the list of Intelligence Agencies of all countries in the world, let’s take a look at the functions that an Intelligence Agency performs.

  • Collection of Intelligence Information – This is one of the major roles of these agencies, they collect vital information for their country. Most of the agencies have their domestic and international sources to gather information. Many a time, the process of gathering this information is done out of legal boundaries. However, they acquire information after getting the permission of the government.
  • Analyzing the collected Intelligence Information – The role of intelligence agency doesn’t end up just collecting the information. They analyze the information received and alert the government to counter the challenge.
  • Covert Operation – These agencies also play important roles in Covert operations. The covert operations also include espionage and providing support to people who are hostile to rival countries.
  • Counter Intelligence – This is one of the most important tasks of an Intelligence agency. The aim of counter Intelligence is to safeguard national interests against the intelligence agencies of rival countries. This may include creating a defensive plan or an offensive plan.

Intelligence Agencies of All Countries in the World

Let’s check out the list of the intelligence agencies of all countries in the world. Please note that there are many countries with multiple intelligence agencies.

Afghanistan Intelligence Agency

  • General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI)

Argentina Intelligence Agency

  • Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI)

Armenia Intelligence Agency

  • National Security Service (NSS)
  • Department of Intelligence of the Armed Forces of Armenia

Australia Intelligence Agency

  • Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)
  • Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)

Austria Intelligence Agency

  • Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (BMLV)
  • Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNA): Army Intelligence Office

Azerbaijan Intelligence Agency

  • State Security Service
  • Foreign Intelligence Service
  • Financial Monitoring Service

Bahrain Intelligence Agency

  • NSA – National Security Agency

Bangladesh Intelligence Agency

  • National Committee for Intelligence Coordination
  • National Security Affairs Cell
  • Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI)
  • National Security Intelligence

Belarus Intelligence Agency

  • KDB/ KGB

Belgium Intelligence Agency

  • VSSE (State Security Service)
  • ADIV / SGRS (ADIV/SGRS) (General Intelligence and Security Service, military intelligence)

Brazil Intelligence Agency

  • Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN)
  • Army Intelligence Center (CIE)

Canada Intelligence Agency

  • Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
  • Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
  • Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (DND)
  • Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC)
  • Intelligence Branch

Chad Intelligence Agency

  • Agence nationale de sécurité (ANS)

Chile Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Agency (ANI)
  • Defense Intelligence Department (DID

China (PRC) Intelligence Agency

  • 610 Office
  • International Department (ID)
  • United Front Work Department
  • Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission
  • PLA Unit 61398 aka APT 1

Hong Kong SAR Intelligence Agency

  • Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB)
  • Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (JFIU)
  • National Security Department (NS)

Colombia Intelligence Agency

  • Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DNI)

Congo (DRC) Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Agency (ANR)
  • General Staff of Military intelligence (ex-DEMIAP)

Croatia Intelligence Agency

  • Sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija (SOA) (Security and Intelligence Agency)
  • Vojna sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija (VSOA) (Military Security and Intelligence Agency)

Cuba Intelligence Agency

  • Military Counterintelligence Directorate
  • Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI)

Cyprus Intelligence Agency

  • Cyprus Intelligence Service (CIS)

Czech Republic Intelligence Agency

  • Security Information Service
  • Military Intelligence
  • Office for Foreign Relations and Information

Denmark Intelligence Agency

  • Danish Security and Intelligence Service
  • Danish Defence Intelligence Service
  • Army Intelligence Center

Egypt Intelligence Agency

  • Gihaz al-Mukhabarat al-Amma (GIS)
  • Idarat al-Mukhabarat al-Harbyya wa al-Istitla (OMIR)
  • Al-amn al-Watani (GHS)

Finland Intelligence Agency

  • Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency
  • Intelligence Division (Finland)
  • Finnish Security Intelligence Service

List of special forces in the world

France Intelligence Agency

  • National Centre for Counter Terrorism
  • General Directorate for Internal Security

Georgia Intelligence Agency

  • Georgian Intelligence Service (GIS)
  • State Security Service (SSSG)

Germany Intelligence Agency

  • Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
  • Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI)
  • Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD)

Greece Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Service (ΕΥΠ)

India Intelligence Agency

  • Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
  • Intelligence Bureau (IB)
  • Defence Intelligence Agency
  • Narcotics Control Bureau

Indonesia Intelligence Agency

  • Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN)
  • Indonesian Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS)
  • Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) (National Cyber and Crypto Agency)

Iran Intelligence Agency

  • Ministry of Intelligence (VAJA)
  • Intelligence Protection Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran Army (SAHEFAJA)
  • Intelligence Organization of IRGC

Iraq Intelligence Agency

  • General Security Directorate – (GSD) – (Internal security agency)
  • Iraqi National Intelligence Service – (INIS)
  • Falcons Intelligence Cell – (FIC)

Israel Intelligence Agency

  • Mossad (Foreign Intelligence and Special Operations)
  • Shin Bet (Internal Security Service)
  • Aman (Military intelligence)
  • Lahav 433 (Police intelligence)

Italy Intelligence Agency

  • Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza (DIS):
  • 2nd Information and Security Unit
  • Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (AISE)
  • Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI)

Japan Intelligence Agency

  • CIRO (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office)
  • Defense Intelligence Headquarters (DIH)
  • National Public Safety Commission
  • Intelligence and Analysis Service (IAS)

Jordan Intelligence Agency

  • Da’irat al-Mukhabarat al-’Ammah (GID)

Kazakhstan Intelligence Agency

  • National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • General Intelligence Office
  • State Security Service of Kazakhstan

North Korea (DPRK) Intelligence Agency

  • Reconnaissance General Bureau
  • Ministry of State Security (North Korea)

South Korea (ROK) Intelligence Agency

  • Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU)
  • National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC)
  • National Intelligence Service (NIS)

Malaysia Intelligence Agency

  • Malaysian Special Branch
  • Defence Intelligence Staff Division
  • Royal Intelligence Corps (Kor Risik DiRaja), Military intelligence, Malaysian Armed Forces
  • Chief Government Security Office (CGSO)

Mexico Intelligence Agency

  • 2nd Section of the National Defense Intelligence Staff (SEDENA S-2)
  • Military Intelligence – National Defense Ministry

Myanmar Intelligence Agency

  • Bureau Of Special Investigation (BSI)
  • Military Intelligence of Myanmar (MI)
  • Special Intelligence Department (Special Branch)
  • Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Nepal Intelligence Agency

  • National Investigation Department (NID)
  • Directorate of Military Intelligence

New Zealand Intelligence Agency

  • Government Communications Security Bureau
  • New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
  • National Assessments Bureau

Nigeria Intelligence Agency

  • State Security Service (Internal Security)
  • National Intelligence Agency (Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence)
  • Defence Intelligence Agency (Military Intelligence)

Norway Intelligence Agency

  • Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) (National Security Authority)
  • Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) (Police Security Service)
  • Etterretningstjenesten (NIS) (Norwegian Intelligence Service)
  • Forsvarets sikkerhetstjeneste (FOST) – Norwegian Defence Security Service (NORDSS)

Oman Intelligence Agency

  • The Palace Office
  • Internal Security Service
  • Liaison and Coordination Service

Pakistan Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Coordination Committee (NICC)
  • Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
  • Intelligence Bureau (IB)

Palestine Intelligence Agency

  • Palestinian Preventive Security (internal security)

Poland Intelligence Agency

  • Agencja Wywiadu (AW)
  • Komenda Główna Policji (KGP)

Qatar Intelligence Agency

  • Qatar State Security

Romania Intelligence Agency

  • Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) – Serviciul Român de Informații
  • Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE

Russia Intelligence Agency

  • Federal Security Service (FSB)
  • Foreign Intelligence Service (Russia) (SVR)
  • Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (GUSP)

Saudi Arabia Intelligence Agency

  • Council of Political and Security Affairs (CPSA)
  • General Intelligence Presidency (GIP)

Singapore Intelligence Agency

  • Internal Security Department (ISD)
  • Security and Intelligence Division (SID)

Somalia Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA)

South Africa Intelligence Agency

  • State Security Agency (SSA)
  • South African National Defence Force Intelligence Division (SANDF-ID)
  • Crime Intelligence Division, South African Police Service

Spain Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Centre (CNI)
  • National Security Department (DSN)
  • Armed Forces Intelligence Center (CIFAS)

Sri Lanka Intelligence Agency

  • State Intelligence Service
  • Directorate of Military Intelligence
  • Military Intelligence Corps (Sri Lanka)

Sweden Intelligence Agency

  • Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST)

Switzerland Intelligence Agency

  • Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB)
  • Military Intelligence Service (MND)

Taiwan (ROC) Intelligence Agency

  • National Security Bureau, National Security Council

Thailand Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Cooperating Center (NICC)
  • Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC)

Turkey Intelligence Agency

  • National Intelligence Organization (MİT)
  • Joint Chief of Staff Intelligence Bureau
  • Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK)

Ukraine Intelligence Agency

  • Central Intelligence Directorate
  • Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine
  • National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)

UAE Intelligence Agency

  • UAE State Security
  • Signals Intelligence Agency (SIA

United Kingdom Intelligence Agency

  • Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO)
  • National Crime Agency (NCA)
  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
  • Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
  • Defence Intelligence (DI)
  • Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT)

United States Intelligence Agency

  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
  • National Security Agency (NSA)
  • Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI)
  • Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)

Mahima Mishra

Mahima is a law professional and also writes for Edudwar.com. She writes law articles and about important days celebrated worldwide. She has a deep interest in content writing and therefore writes for Edudwar as a freelance writer.

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