List of International Organizations and their Headquarters: Know Headquarter of All Important International Organizations

The world in which we live is full of diversity. For proper functioning of the world and maintaining peace, there are various International Organizations. These international organizations work tirelessly to bring peace and stability all over the world. Apart from this, they also play an important role in coping up with various natural/ man-made disasters. Students should go through the list of international organizations and their headquarters because questions are often asked from this topic.

In today’s post, we will share the list of top international organizations along with their headquarters. You should remember the headquarters of these organizations because it is important from the exam perspective.

List of United Nations Organizations with their headquarters

Given below is the list of various international organizations of the United Nations along with their headquarters. This section is also important for general awareness purposes.

United Nations Specialized Organizations and Agencies

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization Italy Rome, Italy 1946
IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency Austria Vienna, Austria 1957
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization Canada Montreal 1947
IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome, Italy 1977
ILO – International Labour Organization Geneva, Switzerland 1919
IMO – International Maritime Organization London, United Kingdom 1948
IMF – International Monetary Fund Washington, D.C., United States 1945
ITU – International Telecommunication Union Geneva, Switzerland 1865
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Paris, France 1945
UPU – Universal Postal Union Bern, Switzerland 1947
WBG – World Bank Group Washington, D.C., United States 1945
WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva, Switzerland 1974
WMO – World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerland 1950
UNWTO –    United Nations World Tourism Organization Madrid, Spain 1974
UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Vienna, Austria 1997
WHO – World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland 1948
UNHCR Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva, Switzerland 1950
WFP – Office of United Nations World Food Program Rome, Italy 1961
UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna, Austria 1966

Departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
UNOCHA – Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs New York, United States 1991
UNOOSA – United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Vienna, Austria 1958
UNODA                – United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Vienna, Austria 1998

Treaty Organizations of the United Nations

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
ISA – International Seabed Authority Jamaica Kingston, Jamaica 1994
CTBTO – Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Vienna, Austria 1997
OPCW – Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The Hague, Netherlands 1997

Research and training institutes of the United Nations

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
UNIDIR – United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Geneva, Switzerland 1980
UNU – United Nations University Tokyo, Japan 1969
UNITAR – United Nations Institute for Training and Research Geneva, Switzerland 1965
UNRISD                – United Nations Research Institute For Social Development Geneva, Switzerland 1963
UNICRI – United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute Turin, Italy 1968
UNSSC – United Nations System Staff College Turin, Italy 2002
UPEACE                – University for Peace San José, Costa Rica 1980
ICTP – International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy 1964
IRC – Innocenti Research Centre Florence, Italy 1988
ITCILO – International Training Centre of the ILO Turin, Italy 1964

Subsidiary bodies of the United Nations General Assembly

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
ICSC – International Civil Service Commission New York City, United States 1975
ACPAQ Advisory Committee on Post Adjustment Questions New York City, United States

Check the list of International Organizations of which India is a member

India is World’s largest democracy and it is a respected member of many prestigious international organizations. The list of such organizations along with their headquarters is given below.

Name of International Organizations Headquarters Years
AALCO – Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization New Delhi 1956
ADB – Asian Development Bank Manila, Philippines 1956
AfDB – African Development Bank (non-regional members) Tunis, Tunisia 1964
AG – Australia Group Brussels, Belgium 1985
ASEAN Regional Forum – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Jakarta, Indonesia 1967
BIMSTEC – Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation Dhaka, Bangladesh 1997
BIS – Bank for International Settlements Basel, Switzerland 1930
BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa Shanghai, China 2006
CoN – Commonwealth of Nations London, UK 1931
CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneva, Switzerland 1954
CP – Colombo Plan Colombo, Sri Lanka 1950
EAS – East Asia Summit Colombo, Sri Lanka 1950
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, Italy 1945
G-15 – Group of 15 Geneva, Switzerland 1989
G-20 – Group of 20 Cancun, Mexico 1999
G-77 – Group of 77 New York 1964
WHO- World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland 1948
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation London, UK 1946
UNAIDS – United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS New York 1994
UN – United Nations New York 1945
SCO – Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (member) Beijing, China 1996
SACEP  – South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme Colombo, Sri Lanka 1982
SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Kathmandu, Nepal 1985
PIF – Pacific Islands Forum (partner) Suva, Fiji 1971
PCA – Permanent Court of Arbitration Hague, Netherland 1899
OPCW – Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Hague, Netherland 1997
NAM – Non-Aligned Movement Jakarta, Indonesia 1961
MTCR – Missile Technology Control Regime Japan 1987
ITUC – International Trade Union Confederation (the successor to ICFTU (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions) and the WCL (World Confederation of Labour)) Brussels, Belgium 2006
ITU – International Telecommunication Union Geneva, Switzerland 1864
ITSO – International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Washington DC 1964
ISO – International Organization for Standardization Geneva, Switzerland 1947
IPEEC – International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation Paris, France 2009
IOC – International Olympic Committee Lausanne, Switzerland 1894
Interpol – International Criminal Police Organization Lyon, France 1923
IMSO – International Mobile Satellite Organization London, UK 1999
IMO – International Maritime Organization London, UK 1948
IMF – International Monetary Fund Washington DC, US 1945
ILO – International Labour Organization  Geneva Switzerland 1919
IFC – International Finance Corporation Washington DC, US 1956
IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome, Italy 1977
IEA – International Energy Agency Paris, France 1974
IDA – International Development Association Washington DC 1950
ICC – International Chamber of Commerce Paris, France 1919
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization Montreal, Canada 1944
IBRD – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) Washington DC, US 1944
IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria 1957

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full-form of IMF and where is its headquarter?

The full form of IMF is International Monetary Fund. Its headquarter is in Washington DC, US.

What is the full-form of UNESCO and where is its headquarter?

The full form of UNESCO is United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Its headquarter is in Paris, France.

Where is the headquarter of AALCO – Asian African Legal Consultative Organization?

The headquarter of AALCO is in New Delhi, India.

Where is the headquarter of BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa?

The headquarter of BRICS is in Shanghai, China.

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