Maharashtra GK Quiz Questions and Answers: Download PDF

Question: The government of Maharashtra decided to rename the Latur Medical College after the name of which personalities?
Ans. Vilasrao Deshmukh
Question: Who was the founder of the Gwalior State of Scindias?
Ans. Ranojirao Scindia
Question: The Government of Maharashtra planned to set up Swachh Bharat World University at which place?
Ans. Sevagram
Question: Which social religious reformer from Maharashtra was popularly known as Lokhitwadi?
Ans. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
Question: Basava Jayanti is celebrated in Maharashtra on which date?
Ans. 7th May
Question: Who started the newspaper “Sudharak”?
Ans. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
Question: As per the Maharashtra Government’s Industrial Policy 2019 what amount of investments was expected?
Ans. Rs. 10 Lakh
Question: Who among the following became the first transgender election ambassador of The Election Commission in Maharashtra?
Ans. Gauri Sawant
Question: Who wrote the “Shatpatre” in the weekly “Prabhakar”?
Ans. Lokhitvadi
Question: In northern Maharashtra and Vidarbha (Berar), the Satavahanas were succeeded by which?
Ans. Vakatakas
Question: Which one is the longest river in Maharashtra?
Ans. Godavari River
Question: Maharashtra government organized the third National Workshop on Preparedness, Mitigation and Management of Heat Wave in which of the following places?
Ans. Nagpur
Question: The river Koyna joins the river Krishna at?
Ans. Karad
Question: Who assassinated W.C. Rand, the Plague Commissioner of Pune in 1897 ?
Ans. Chapekar Brothers
Question: Jiri Vesely, who clinched the Tata Open Maharashtra 2020, belongs to which country?
Ans. Czech Republic
Question: Where are the Judicial benches of Mumbai High Court situated?
Ans. Nagpur, Aurangabad and Panaji
Question: Babita Tade, who won Rs 1 crore on KBC, has been chosen as EC ambassador of which district for Maharashtra Assembly polls?
Ans. Amravati
Question: Hingane Female Educational Institute was founded by?
Ans. Dhondo Keshav Karve
Question: Where is the headquarters of Bank of Maharashtra located in India?
Ans. Pune
Question: Which Governor of Bombay approved the building of the great sea wall to prevent flooding of low lying areas?
Ans. William Hornby
Question: ‘Tarang Suposhit Maharashtracha’, a scheme that was seen in news recently, is associated with which field?
Ans. Nutrition
Question: Which Act in 1960 given the creation of the State of Maharashtra and Gujarat?
Ans. Bombay Reorganization Act
Question: The Markandeshwar temple is located on the bank of which river in Maharashtra?
Ans. Wainganga
Question: Who was the founder of “Manav Dharma Sabha”?
Ans. Dadoba Pandurang Tarkhadkar
Question: Which actor has been chosen as goodwill ambassador for Maharashtra polls?
Ans. Madhuri Dixit
Question: For which novel Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar wins the Jnanpith Award in the year 1974?
Ans. Yayati
Question: Shiv Chhatrapati Award of the Maharashtra government honours the personalities belonging to which field?
Ans. Sports
Question: Who had written the book “Paramamrita”?
Ans. Mukundaraja
Question: Who is the head of the committee which is constituted by the Maharashtra to review welfare schemes for tribals?
Ans. Vivek Pandit
Question: What is the logo of the Bombay Natural History Society?
Ans. Great Hornbill
Question: What is the main objective of the “Mee Annapurna” scheme of Maharashtra?
Ans. Farmers Welfare
Question: Who was the first recepient of “Maharashtra Bhushan Award”?
Ans. Purushottam Laxman Deshpande
Question: President’s rule is in action in the state of Maharashtra. Which article of the constitution has the provision of President’s rule?
Ans. Article 356
Question: The periodical “Mooknayak” was started by?
Ans. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Question: Who clinched the Indian-style prestigious wrestling championship ‘Maharashtra Kesari 2018’?
Ans. Bala Rafique Shaikh
Question: Project Tiger at Melghat is located in which district?
Ans. Amravati
Question: Who is the current secretary of the state of Maharashtra?
Ans. Ajoy Mehta
Question: Who was called as Lokhitwadi?
Ans. GH Deshmukh
Question: Which is not Particularly Vulnerable Tribe in Maharashtra?
Ans. Manner Warlu
Question: The Elephanta caves is a collection of?
Ans. 7 caves
Question: Which is the significant archaeological sites which throws light on the Chalcolithic culture of Maharashtra?
Ans. Inamgaon
Question: Who was responsible for the security of the village under the Marathas in South India?
Ans. Patil
Question: On whose marriage, Bombay was handed over to England as part of the dowry by Portugal?
Ans. Catherine of Braganza
Question: When Shivaji assumed the title of “Haindava-Dharmoddharak”?
Ans. 1674
Question: When President’s rule has been imposed for the first time in Maharashtra?
Question: The Nasik city is situated by the river?
Question: Which was the first independent Muslim kingdom of the Deccan?
Bahmani Sultanate
Question: The famous Kailasanatha temple at Ellora was built by?
Krishna I
Question: Maharashtra State Film Awards were first given in the year?
Question: Chand Minar at Daulatabad was built by?
Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah
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