National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023: Significance, History & Celebration

The Tuesday of the first complete week of the May month is celebrated as National Teacher Appreciation Day. As the name suggests, it is day for honoring and appreciating our teachers for their contribution in shaping the future of children and the society as a whole. The day is celebrated as a part of National Teacher Appreciation week which is observed in the first full week of May. National Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 will be observed from May 1 to May 5 and National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023 will fall on Tuesday May 2.
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023 Date
Below mentioned are the upcoming dates for National Teacher Appreciation Day for the next 5 years.
Event | Date | Day |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023 | May 2, 2023 | Tuesday |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2024 | May 7, 2024 | Tuesday |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2025 | May 6, 2025 | Tuesday |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2026 | May 5, 2026 | Tuesday |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2027 | May 4, 2027 | Tuesday |
National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023 Overview
Event | National Teacher Appreciation Day 2023 |
Date | May 2, 2023 |
Day | Tuesday |
Declared by | United States of America |
Purpose of celebration | To honor the contribution of our teachers in shaping the future of children and society. |
National Teacher Appreciation Day Significance 2023
In words of National Education Association (NEA) National Teacher Day is described as ‘a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.’ A teacher strives hard his/ her whole life to impart the best education to its students so that they can progress towards a better future and create a better society as well. To reciprocate all the things that a teacher does for us, National Teacher Appreciation Day will be celebrated on May 2, 2023 and the whole week will be observed as National Teacher Appreciation Week.
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Not only teachers in school and college but any person who teaches us some good values, be it a friend or parents or siblings, is entitled to honor and appreciation on National Teacher Appreciation Day.
History of National Teacher Appreciation Day
The need for a national day to honor teachers was felt by Ryan Krug, a Wisconsin teacher in 1944 who discussed the same with some political and education leaders. An educator from Arkansas, Mattie Whyte, wrote a letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady of USA at the time, who in turn persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. With further efforts from National Education Association (NEA) pushed Congress to create a national day celebrating teachers and the first National Teacher Appreciation Day was observed on 7 March 1980.
NEA and its affiliates in Kansas and Indiana states continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March. In 1985, the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week in the first full week of May and a proposal was passed to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day. Finally, it was declared that first full week of May will be observed as National Teacher Appreciation Week and the Tuesday of the week will be celebrated as National Teacher Appreciation Day.
National Teacher Appreciation Day Celebration
National Teacher Appreciation Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm among teachers and students of the United States. Take this day to appreciate the teachers in your life who work hard every day to make the future better for you. You can show your gratitude towards them by offering them a simple Thank You card and write your personal thank you on the note. The day is simply about letting teachers know that you value them and their principles. Ask if they are in need to something and if it is achievable, try and do it for them. Events and seminars are also conducted in schools and colleges in honor of the teachers. A Presidential Proclamation is also announced from The White House in celebration of National teacher Appreciation Day.
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May 2, 2023
No, there is no holiday observed on National Teacher Appreciation Day.
The first complete week of May is observed as National Teacher Appreciation week.