Best PDF to Word Converter Apps for Android

How can I get my PDF files into Microsoft Word on Android? You’re likely having a difficult time getting this to function, at least without the use of any additional tools. On the Internet, there are choices for conversion.
But unfortunately, nothing can necessarily be implemented at home locally. Do not despair, though; there are several ways to quickly and easily convert your PDF files to Word documents.
List of Best PDF to Word Converter Apps for Android 2023
When it comes to online information sharing, PDF documents are a popular choice since they appear the same on every platform. Additionally, PDFs are capable of encrypting the material and making it impossible for anyone to copy or edit.
It is possible to convert a PDF into a Word document using several PDF to Word programs. These converters can either be used online or as standalone applications. We’ll take a look at the 5 best pdf to word converter app:
1. EasyPDF for Android
Any compatible Android device may download and use Easy PDF, which is also compatible with ios. It is compatible with Android tablets. Any PDF file may be converted with ease with EasyPDF, which can be edited on your phone or uploaded to a computer.
Using the Open in option, you may pick EasyPDF from the app that holds the PDF. Editing a properly converted word file is as simple as editing any other document.
Pros of EasyPDF for Android
- The translation is excellent.
- It’s fast and simple to use.
- Any device may edit a DOC file.
Cons of EasyPDF for Android
When dealing with particularly complicated PDF files, it may be difficult to convert them using this software.
2. Adobe Acrobat Pro
In addition to DOC and JPEG, the PDF converter can convert PDFs to a variety of other formats. All of the data is uploaded by the system without any user intervention. If you only need to export a few files, this program is ideal. For those who need to convert large amounts of files, a monthly membership is required.
Pros of Adobe Acrobat Pro
- Supports a wide range of file types.
- PDF to Doc conversions are supported.
- The conversion process is lightning-fast and very precise.
Cons of Adobe Acrobat Pro
- There are just three free conversions before you’ll have to pay for a subscription.
3. OfficeSuite 7+ PDF to Word
OfficeSuite is an unrestricted PDF to office converter that can turn PDF to Excel XLS and PDF to word. To utilize all of the features, you will need to purchase a subscription. This program lets you edit and convert PDF files all in one place, as well as being able to distribute the files over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Dropbox.
Pros of OfficeSuite 7+
- Having a comprehensive editing suite in one software makes it easier to convert and edit.
- Dropbox, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth may all be used to transfer files.
Cons of OfficeSuite 7+
- To use all of the app’s capabilities, the user must purchase the app.
4. Android version of AbleExtract
Free program Able2Extract may be used to convert a PDF document into a Word document that can be edited. Excel and other Microsoft Office formats may easily be converted with this program. You may convert without the need for an internet connection because the conversion occurs on your device and does not use any of your data.
Pros of Android version of AbleExtract
- Converting a PDF is as simple as clicking on the choices in the program.
- The documents are usually correct and rapidly transformed.
- Any device may then edit them.
- During the conversion process, you can use other apps in your gadget.
Cons of Android version of AbleExtract
- It takes a long time to convert a PDF file.
- Excel and picture files are among the formats that may be converted.
- In terms of battery life, the conversion is done on your phone or tablet, which means it consumes more power.
5. PDF to Word Converter
However, the free PDF to Word converter has a restriction on the file size that may be converted. There is a cost associated with converting a PDF to another format. There will be no strain on your smartphone or drained battery because the conversions are done online. All computers and devices with Office software may open and modify converted files.
Pros of PDF to Word Converter
- Online file conversions are fast and easy.
- A computer or other device can be used to copy and modify files.
- Accurate and high-quality translation.
Cons of PDF to Word Converter
- To get all the features, you’ll have to pay for the full version.
- You must have a working internet connection to utilize it.