
Russian Wars List (1263 to 2023): Check the list of Russia Wars from 1263 to 2023

“Right from the 13th century to 21 century, Russia has witnessed some of the bloodiest battles in  Human History. Let’s have a look at the battles Russia has fought from 1263 to 2023”

With the outbreak of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in February last year, Russian troops are involved in yet another conflict. Russia is one country that has taken part in a large number of conflicts. Starting from the old Russian kingdoms opposing nomads’ raids to the modern Soviet Union/ Russian Federation, Russia has been a major battleground in eastern Europe.

Those students who are interested in Geopolitics should check the list of Russian Wars. This will give a boost to their general knowledge. In today’s post, we are going to provide the list of all wars in which Russia has been involved.

List of Wars of Russia from 13th Century to 21st century

As you might know, Russia is ruled by a large number of kings and empires over the year. Different empires have fought their own battles. There are 100s of battles in which the country have been involved. We can divide these wars or battles into the following groups.

  1. Wars of Grand Duchy of Moscow From 1263 to 1547
  2. Wars of Tsardom of Russia From 1547 to 1721
  3. Wars of Russian Empire From 1721 to 1917
  4. Wars of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic From 1917 to 1922
  5. Wars of the Soviet Union From 1922 to 1991
  6. Wars of Russian Federation From 1991 to Present

Now, let’s take a look at these wars in these groups in detail.

List of all Russian Wars

Wars fought by Grand Duchy of Moscow (Ruled Russia from 1263 to 1547)

List of All Wars of Grand Duchy of Moscow From 1263 to 1547
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
Lithuanian-Muscovite War 1368 to 1372Grand Duchy of LithuaniaInconclusive
Muscovite-Volga Bulgars war – 1376Volga BulgariaVictory
Battle of Pyana river – 1376Golden HordeDefeat
Battle of the Vozha River – 1376Golden HordeVictory
Battle of Kulikovo – 1376Golden HordeVictory
Siege of Moscow – 1382Golden HordeDefeat
Ulugh Muhammad’s Campaign – 1438 to 1445Khanate of KazanDefeat
Qasim War – 1467–1469Khanate of KazarVictory
Battle of Shelon – 1471Novgorod RepublicVictory
Great stand on the Ugra river – 1480Golden HordeVictory
Siege of Kazan – 1478Khanate of KazanVictory
First Muscovite-Lithuanian War – 1492 to 1494Grand Duchy of LithuaniaVictory
Russo-Swedish War – 1495 to 1497SwedenInconclusive
Second Muscovite-Lithuanian War – 1500 to 1503Grand Duchy of LithuaniaVictory
Russo-Kazan War – 1505 to 1507Khanate of KazanInconclusive
Third Muscovite-Lithuanian War – 1507 to 1508Grand Duchy of Lithuania Crimean KhanateInconclusive
Fourth Muscovite-Lithuanian War – 1512 to 1522Grand Duchy of Lithuania Crimean Khanate

Kingdom of Poland

Fifth Muscovite-Lithuanian War – 1534 to 1537Grand Duchy of Lithuania Crimean Khanate

Kingdom of Poland


Wars fought by Tsardom of Russia (Ruled Russia from 1547 to 1721)

List of All Wars of Tsardom of Russia From 1547 to 1721
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
Siege of Kazan – 1552Khanate of KazanVictory
Tatar Rebellion – 1552 to 1556Tatar RebelsVictory
Ivan the Terrible’s Swedish War – 1554 to 1557SwedenInconclusive
Russian conquest of Astrakhan – 1556Astrakhan KhanateVictory
Livonian War – 1558 to 1583Livonian Confederation, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland-LithuaniaDefeat
Astrakhan Expedition – 1568 to 1570Turkey

Crimean Khanate

Ivan the Terrible’s Crimean War – 1570 to 1572Crimean KhanateVictory
Russian conquest of Siberia – 1580 to 1762Khanate of Sibir and Native SiberiansVictory
Boris Godunov’s Swedish War – 1590 to 1595SwedenInconclusive
Polish invasions of Russia – 1605 to 1618Poland-LithuaniaInconclusive
Bolotnikov Rebellion – 1606 to 1607Rebels under Ivan BolotnikovVictory
Ingrian War – 1610 to 1617SwedenDefeat
Smolensk War – 1632 to 1634Poland-LithuaniaDefeat
Alexis I’s Persian War – 1651 to 1653PersiaDefeat
Sino–Russian border conflicts – 1652 to 1689China, KoreaDefeat
First Northern War – 1654 to 1667Poland-Lithuania, Crimean KhanateVictory
Second Northern War – 1656 to 1658SwedenInconclusive
First Bashkir Rebellion – 1662 to 1664Bashkir RebelsInconclusive, Political Defeat
Razin’s Rebellion – 1670 to 1671Cossacks under Stepan RazinVictory
Feodor III’s Turkish War – 1676 to 1681Turkey, Crimean KhanateInconclusive
Great Turkish War – 1683 to 1700Turkey, Crimean KhanateVictory
Great Northern War – 1700 to 1721Sweden, Hostein-Gottorp, Poland-Lithuania, Turkey, Cossack Hetmanate, Great BritainVictory
Third Bashkir Rebellion – 1704 to 1711Bashkir RebelsVictory
Bulavin Rebellion – 1707 to 1708Don Cossack RebelsVictory
Peter the Great’s Khivan War – 1717Khanate of KhivaDefeat
Kazakh-Russian conflicts – 1717 to 1847Kazakhstan Kyrgyz tribes, Khanate of KhivaVictory

Wars fought by Russian Empire (Ruled Russia from 1721 to 1917)

List of All Wars of Russian Empire From 1721 to 1917
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
Persian Expedition of Peter the Great – 1722 to 1723PersiaVictory
War of the Polish Succession Rhineland – 1733 to 1738PolandIndecisive
Russo-Austro-Turkish War – 1735 to 1739Turkey, CrimeaVictory
Fourth Bashkir Rebellion – 1735 to 1740Bashkir RebelsVictory
War of the Austrian Succession – 1740 to 1748Prussia, Spain, France, Sweden, Bavaria, Saxony, GenoaInconclusive
Seven Years’ War – 1756 to 1763Prussia, Britain, Hanover, Portugal, Hesse-KasselWhite Peace
Koliivshchyna Rebellion – 1768 to 1769HaidamakyVictory
War of the Bar Confederation – 1768 to 1772FranceVictory
Catherine the Great’s First Turkish War 1768 to 1774Turkey, CrimeaVictory
Pugachev’s Rebellion – 1773 to 1775Rebels under Yemelyan PugachevVictory
Catherine the Great’s Second Turkish War – 1787 to 1792TurkeyVictory
Catherine the Great’s Swedish War – 1788 to 1790SwedenInconclusive
Catherine the Great’s Polish War – 1792Poland-LithuaniaVictory
Kościuszko Uprising – 1794Poland-LithuaniaVictory
Persian Expedition of Catherine the Great – 1796PersiaWithdrawal
War of the Second Coalition – 1799 to 1802France, Spain, Denmark-Norway, Polish LegionsWithdrawal
War of the Third Coalition – 1803 to 1806FranceDefeat
Alexander I’s Persian War – 1804 to 1813PersiaVictory
War of the Fourth Coalition – 1806 to 1807France, Italy, Spain, Bavaria, NaplesDefeat
Alexander I’s Turkish War – 1806 to 1812TurkeyVictory
Anglo-Russian War – 1807 to 1812United KingdomInconclusive
Finnish War – 1808 to 1809SwedenVictory
War of the Fifth Coalition – 1809Austria, UK, Sicily, SardiniaVictory
French invasion of Russia – 1812FranceVictory
War of the Sixth Coalition – 1813 to 1814FranceVictory
War of the Seventh Coalition – 1815France, NaplesVictory
Caucasian War – 1817 to 1864Caucasian Imamate, Circassia, Kazi-Kumukh Dagestan, Avaria, SvanetiVictory
Decembrist revolt – 1825Decembrist rebelsVictory
Nicholas I’s Persian War – 1826 to 1828PersiaVictory
Battle of Navarino – 1827Turkey, Egypt, TunisiaVictory
Nicholas I’s Turkish War – 1828 to 1829TurkeyVictory
November uprising – 1830 to 1831PolandVictory
Second Turko-Egyptian War – 1839 to 1841Egypt, France, SpainVictory
Russian conquest of Central Asia – 1839–1895Kazakhstan Bukhara, Khiva, Kokand Turkmen, Krygyz tribes, AfghanistanVictory
Gurian Rebellion – 1841Gurian rebelsVictory
Shoorcha rebellion – 1842Tatar, Mari, and ChuvashVictory
Hungarian Revolution of 1848 – 1848 to 1849HungaryVictory
Crimean War – 1853 to 1856France, Turkey, Britain, SardiniaDefeat
Mahtra Rebellion – 1858Estonian PeasantsVictory
Bezdna Revolt – 1861PeasantsVictory
January uprising – 1863 to 1864Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian insurgentsVictory
Polish Rebellion in Siberia – 1866Polish political exilesVictory
Alexander II’s Turkish War – 1877 to 1878TurkeyVictory
Boxer Rebellion – 1899 to 1901Ottoman EmpireVictory
Russo-Japanese War – 1904 to 1905Yìhéquán, ChinaVictory
Russian Revolution of 1905JapanDefeat
Persian Constitutional Revolution – 1905 to 1911RevolutionariesVictory
World War I – 1914 to 1918Iranian constitutionalistsVictory
Central Asian Revolt – 1916 to 1934Central PowersDefeat

Wars fought by Russian SFSR (Ruled Russia from 1917 to 1922)

List of All Wars of Russian SFSR 1917 to 1922
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
Russian Civil War – 1917 to 1922White Movement, Mountain Republic, Makhnovshchina, Left SR, Green ArmiesVictory
Ukrainian War of Independence – 1917 to 1921Ukrainian People’s Republic, West Ukrainian People’s Republic, German Empire, PolandVictory
Kazakhstan Campaign – 1917 to 1920Alash Autonomy, White MovementVictory
Finnish Civil War – 1918White Guard, GermanyDefeat
Latvian War of Independence – 1918 to 1920Latvian Army, Estonia, Lieven, Poland, LithuaniaDefeat
Estonian War of Independence 1918 to 1920Estonia, Latvia, UKDefeat
Lithuanian-Soviet War 1918 to 1919Republic of Lithuania, Saxon VolunteersDefeat
Invasion of Azerbaijan 1920AzerbaijanVictory
Red Army Invasion of Armenia 1920ArmeniaVictory
Invasion of Georgia 1921GeorgiaVictory
Soviet Intervention in Mongolia 1921MongoliaVictory

Wars fought by Soviet Union (Ruled Russia from 1922 to 1991)

List of All Wars of Soviet Union 1922 to 1991
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
August Uprising – 1924DamkomVictory
Tatarbunary Uprising – 1924Kingdom of RomaniaDefeat
Urtatagai conflict – 1925 to 1926Emirate of AfghanistanPeace Treaty
Sino-Soviet conflict – 1929ChinaVictory
Red Army intervention in Afghanistan – 1929Basmachi SaqqawistsInconclusive
Red Army intervention in Afghanistan – 1930BasmachiVictory
Soviet–Japanese border conflicts – 1932 to 1941Japan, ManchukuoVictory
Spanish Civil War – 1936 to 1939Spanish Nationalists, Germany, ItalyDefeat
Islamic Rebellion in Xinjiang – 1937ChinaVictory
Invasion of Poland – 1939PolandVictory
World War II – 1939 to 1945Axis PowersVictory
Guerrilla war in the Baltic states – 1944 to 1956Estonia, Latvia, LithuaniaVictory
Guerrilla war in Ukraine – 1944 to 1953Ukrainian Insurgent ArmyVictory
Korean War – 1950 to 1953United Nations, South Korea, US, UK, Australia, and other countriesCeasefire
Vietnam War – 1955 to 1975South Vietnam, US, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Laos, Cambodia, ThailandVictory
Hungarian Revolution – 1956RevolutionariesVictory
East German Uprising – 1953East German DemonstratorsVictory
Invasion of Czechoslovakia – 1968CzechoslovakiaVictory
Soviet–Afghan War – 1979 to 1989Afghan MujahideenDefeat

Wars fought by Russian Federation  (Ruled Russia from 1991 to present)

List of All Wars of Russian Federation 1922 to 1991
Wars and DatesOpponentsResult
Georgian Civil war 1991 to 1993ZviadistsVictory
War in Abkhazia 1991 to 1993GeorgiaVictory
Transnistria war 1992MoldovaVictory
Tajikistani Civil War 1992 to 1997United Tajik OppositionVictory
First Chechen War 1994 to 1996Ichkeria, MujahideenDefeat
War of Dagestan 1999IIPBVictory
Second Chechan war 1999 to 2009Ichkeria, Mujahideen, Caucasian FrontVictory
Russo-Georgian War 2008GeorgiaVictory
Insurgency in North CaucasusCaucasus EmiratesVictory
Russo Ukrainian WarUkraineOngoing
Russian Military Intervention in the SyrianSyrian OppositionOngoing
Central African Republic Civil WarCoalition of Patriots for changeOngoing

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War is not a solution to any problem. After every war, opponents have to sit at the conference table for meeting to find peaceful solutions. What do you think about Russian wars do let us know in the comment section? Your feedback and suggestions are also welcome.

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