TikTok Shopping and How to Set up a TikTok Shop

Released in September 2016 as a music app that allows users to sing along to their favorite songs, TikTok soon transformed into a video platform. TikTok allows users to create a variety of video contents such as pranks, stunts, tricks, jokes, dance, and entertainment. There are already more than 1 billion active users of this app adding a wide variety of contents for everyone to enjoy. Owing to its immense popularity, TikTok has recently become a major platform for brands to show their personality and engage with the members of their communities through video. The app allow brands to connect with their customers in an interactive way, which increases brand awareness and in turn customer loyalty.

If you are also a TikTok influencer wondering how to enter the e-commerce market through the app, how it works, what things are needed to get started, then this article is for you. Keep reading to learn more about what is TikTok shopping and how to set up a TikTok shop.

What is TikTok Shopping?

You must have seen Facebook or Instagram market where you see products, their prices and the details of the seller selling these products. Similar to that, TikTok now also allows the retailers to promote and sell their products and services to the consumers through its app. Not only this, the sellers can also connect with the influencer on the app for the promotion of their product without spending a wholesome amount of money and advertising and promotions.

Brand promotion on TikTok has been going on for some time already where you can see famous influencer promoting products such as cosmetics, sports equipment, accessories, etc. Normally there is a link to follow to purchase these products in case you like any of it. The main benefit of TikTok shop is that it eliminates the users need to follow the link and open another app or website for purchasing that product. Through TikTok shop, app users can directly buy products they see and like of TikTok.

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How Does TikTok Shopping Work?

TikTok shopping is pretty simple just like any other e-commerce application and allows you to purchase the product or service that you like through few clicks of fingers. Many brands hire influencers for promotion of their products or you see some influencers promoting certain products and brands on their own. When users come across any such item while scrolling through the app, they can visit the dedicated shopping tab of the seller and make a purchase. Users can also visit a select store, browse through it and order the product or service they like. Once the shopping is done and it comes to making payment of the product, TikTok automatically redirect the users to the company’s website for checkout.

Method to Setup Your Own TikTok Shop?

Opening a TikTok shop is very easy and all you need to do is create a TikTok account, set up a seller id, upload important documents required, add products and establish a payment method. Congratulations you are now a shop owner on TikTok. TikTok also allows the seller to manage their shop, inventory, orders, promotions, creator partnerships and customer service. Options for everything is available under the Seller Center. Let us check the step-by-step instructions to set up a TikTok shop.

  • First of all you need to decide what you want to sell on TikTok. If you know already then well and good. If not, you need to research your target market and find out which product you should sell.
  • Once you are all set for creating a shop, create a TikTok account first.
  • The account created is by default created as a personal account. You need to switch to a business account.
  • For this, click on the three dots on the right-hand menu of TikTok app and then select ‘Manage Account’.
  • Now click on Switch to Business Account and select a category for your business.
  • TikTok business account is created after this and now you can optimize your account by linking your website, email address, and social media accounts.
  • Add products and service you want to sell to Your TikTok Account. And get started.

The above steps are for creating a TikTok account and then converting it to seller account. If you already have an account on TikTok, here’s how to set up your shop:

  • Open the TikTok application and click on ‘Become a Seller’ option.
  • Sign in to your TikTok account and provide personal details like telephone number, email, and other required data.
  • Now fill in the TikTok Shop Seller Center profile such as name of the store, type of business you run, etc.
  • After providing all the information correctly, click on the Continue button.
  • Once all the data is confirmed, your TikTok Shop Seller Center is ready to make sale online.

FAQs related to TikTok Shopping

Can everybody use TikTok Shopping?

After UK, the TikTok shop is ready for launch in US, Canada, and many other Southeast Asian countries of Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore.

What is the fees for selling products on TikTok Shop?

TikTok charges a very low commission fees, 1.8% for each product sale for the first 90 days and 5% after that.

What if there is any problem in adding products on TikTok seller?

You can only add products to your TikTok seller account after you have successfully uploaded the important documents.

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