World War I and II GK Quiz Questions and Answers

GK questions from World War I and II are asked in many competitive examinations. Therefore, it is essential to prepare this topic to score well in general awareness section of an exam. We are providing here 100+ Gk questions on World War I and World War II along with their answers.

GK Questions and Answers on World War I

Check GK questions on world war I:

Question: When was the construction of a threesome between Austria, Germany and Itlay?

Ans: 1882AD

Question: Which empires ended in the World War I?

Ans: Russian, Ottoman, German

Question: How many people died in World War I?

Ans: 16 million people

Question: When did the First World War begin?

Ans: 28 july 1914 AD

Question: Which country did British India fight against in the Sikkim expedition?

Ans: Tibet

Question: Who won World War I?

Ans: Allied Powers

Question: How many Countries participated in World Was I?

Ans: 37 Countries

Question: Against whom was the second opium war fought by British India ?

Ans: China

Question: What was the new technology in World War I?

Ans: Machine gun and Tanks

Question: Where was the murder of the Prince of Austria?

Ans: In the capital of Bosnia, Serajevo

Question: Which two Indian Army regiments fought the Anglo Nepalese War?

Ans: Garhwal Kingdom and Patiala State

Question: Who was King of England during WWI?

Ans: George V

Question: Who led the Axis nations?

Ans: Germany, Apart from this, countries like Austria, Hungary and Italy also led the country.

Question: In which year was the Battle of Plassey fought?

Ans: 1757

Question: Who was France’s leader during World War I?

Ans: Georges Clemenceau

Question: How long did the war between Russia and Japan run?

Ans: 1904-1905AD

Question: The Bambatha Rebellion was fought against which tribe?

Ans: Zulu

Question: Which country lost the leadership of the world after the First World War?

Ans: Germany

Question: When did the Moroccan crisis come?

Ans: 1906 AD

Question: In 1815, Capture of the East India Company’s ship was done by which country’s forces?

Ans: America

Question: What was another name for World War I?

Ans: The War to End All Wars

Question: When did Germany attack France?

Ans: 3 August 1914 AD

Question: Which treaty was signed after the third Anglo Maratha War?

Ans: Treaty of Seringapatam

Question: Which of the following nations was not part of the central powers?

Ans: Russia

Question: Who was the President of America during World War I?

Ans: Woodrow Wilson

Question: Which country made the first declaration of war?

  1. a) Austria

Question: When did the Italian Allies participate in World War I?

Ans: April 26, 1915 AD

Question: The countries of Congo, UK, Egypt and Ethiopia fought which battle together?

Ans: Mahdist War

Question: What was the biggest battle the US fought in World War I?

Ans: Battle of Cantigny

Question: How many years did World War I last?

Ans: Four Years

Question: Which country has the most deaths in World War I?

Ans: Russia

Question: In which two camps the world was divided during World Was I?

Ans: Allied nation and axis nation

Question: What was the first British battle of World War I?

Ans: Battle of Mons

Question: Russia-Japan war ended with whose arbitration?

Ans: U.S. President Roosevelt

Question: How many countries were involved in World War I?

Ans: 32

Question: When did England join World War I?

Ans: 8 August 1914 AD

Question: Which country was not in the Triple Entente in 1914?

Ans: Italy

Question: When World War I ended?

Ans: 11 November 1918 AD

Question: What were the main reasons for the First World War?

Ans: Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo

Question: What weapons did World War I soldiers use?

Ans: Rifles, Artillery and Poison gas

Question: What was the immediate reason for World War I?

Ans: The murder of Austria’ Prince Ferdinand

Question: Who was the leader of Germany in World War I?

Ans: Wilhelm II

Question: When did Germany invade Russia during World War I?

Ans: 1 August 1914 AD

Question: When did Romania join World War I?

Ans: 1916

Question: What was the secret revolutionary institution of Serbia?

Ans: Black Hand

Question: Which of the following nations were part of the allied powers?

Ans: China, France and Britain

Question: When did US enter WWI?

Ans: 1917

Question: What was the first battle of the First World War?

Ans: Battle of Marne

Question: Which countries were in the Triple Alliance in 1914?

Ans: Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary

Question: What was the area in between trenches called during WWI?

Ans: No man’s land

Question: When did Italy join World War I?

Ans: 1915

Question: What was the longest battle in World War I?

Ans: Battle of Verdun

Question: Which country was involved in the First World War?

Ans: Belgium, Italy and United Kingdom

Question: Who was the commander of U.S. forces in Europe during the World War I?

Ans: John J. Pershing

Question: What was the deadliest battle of World War I?

Ans: Battle of the Somme

Question: When did Britain declare war on Germany in the First World War?

Ans: 1914

GK Questions and Answers On World War II

Check important GK questions on world war II:

Question: World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from?

Ans: 1939 to 1945

Question: Which country became the first victim of Italy and Germany?

Ans: Spain

Question: What were the major causes of World War II?

Ans: The rise of fascism and Harsh treatment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles and The Treaty of Versailles

Question: Who is credited with Germany’s defeat in World War II?

Ans: Russia

Question: Who was the leader of England during WWII?

Ans: Winston Churchill

Question: Who was the Prime Minister of England at this time?

Ans: Winston Churchill

Question: Which of the following countries was not a member of the Allies?

Ans: Japan

Question: When did the United States join World War II?

Ans: Sep 8 1941AD

Question: When did China enter the WWII?

Ans: 1941

Question: What was the plan to invade Germany on the Soviet Union?

Ans: Barbosa

Question: What was the longest battle in WWII?

Ans: Battle of the Atlantic

Question: Who was the last country to be defeated by the Allies in World War II?

Ans: Japan

Question: Who was the Commanding General of the German Afrika Korps nicknamed ‘The Desert Fox’?

Ans: Erwin Rommel

Question: When did the Civil War start in Spain?

Ans: 1936 AD

Question: Who was the Commander General of Italy during WWII?

Ans: Benito Mussolini

Question: Which treaty was violated by Germany?

Ans: Treaty of Versailles

Question: What was the last battle of World War II?

Ans: Battle of Okinawa

Question: What name was given to German General Romel During World War II?

Ans: Desert Fox

Question: Germany signs a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in?

Ans: 1939

Question: What was the immediate reason for the war?

Ans: German invasion of Poland

Question: Why did United States declare war on the Japan in 1941?

Ans: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Question: When was the start of World War II?

Ans: Sep 1, 1939 AD

Question: Which country lost the most lives in World War II?

Ans: Soviet Union

Question: When did the US use the atom bomb on Japan?

Ans: 6 August 1945

Question: What was the largest tank battle in history?

Ans: Battle of Kursk

Question: Who was the President of America during World War II?

Ans: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Question: When did Japan surrendered in World War II?

Ans: 1945

Question: What is the biggest contribution of World War II in the international arena?

Ans: Establishment of the United Nations

Question: Which Power won the World War II?

Ans: Allied powers

Question: When did Germany break the Treaty of Versailles?

Ans: 1935 AD

Question: Which countries were involved in World War II?

Ans: Australia, Britain and Germany

Question: How many countries participated in World War II?

Ans: 61 Countries

Question: Who was the leader of the German Military of WWII?

Ans: Adolf Hitler

Question: How many years have been fought for World War II?

Ans: Six Years

Question: What was the treaty that ended World War II?

Ans: Peace treaties

Question: In what cities of Japan did the atom bomb be dropped?

Ans: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Question: Which Country was the first Axis Power to surrender?

Ans: Italy

Question: When did this war end?

Ans: Sep 2, 1945 AD

Question: Germany’s invasion of which country started world war II?

Ans: Poland

Question: Which treaty is known as the alleged treaty?

Ans: Treaty of Ans Versailles

Question: Which was the most important battle in WWII?

Ans: Battle of Stalingrad

Question: When was Munich Pact done?

Ans: September 1938 AD

Question: The main Axis powers of WWII consisted of-

Ans: Germany, Italy, Japan

Question: When did Italy enter in World War II?

Ans: June 10, 1940 AD

Question: During the Battle of France the Germans bypassed the Maginot Line by attacking through-

Ans: Belgium

Question: When did the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

Ans: 7 December 1941

Question: When did Germany surrendered in WWII?

Ans: 7 May 1945

Question: Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?

Ans: Joseph Stalin

Question: Who was the Commander General of Japan during WWII?

Ans: Hideki Tojo

Question: What was the largest battleship of World War II?

Ans: Yamato

Question: What was the US strategy in the Pacific during WWII?

Ans: Leapfrogging

Question: When did Germany attack Russia in WWII?

Ans: 1941

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