World Wetlands Day 2024: Theme, History, Wishes

World Wetlands Day 2024 will be observed on February 2, 2024. This day seeks to increase awareness and understanding of the important part of humans and the globe in wetlands.
The first day of adoption of the Convention on Wetlands also commemorates the second day of February. In Ramsar, an Iranian town along the beaches of the Caspian sea, the Convention was approved in 1971.
World Wetlands Day 2024 Overview
Day | World Wetlands Day 2024 |
Date | 2nd February 2024 |
Day | Friday |
Theme | Wetlands and Human Wellbeing |
What are Wetlands?
Wetlands are geographical regions that are either continuously or periodically saturated or inundated with water. Wetlands, lakes, rivers, swamps, rivers, watercourses, and floods inland wetlands are included.
Salt marshlands, estuaries, lagoons, mangroves, and even marine ecosystems are included in coastal wetlands. rice paddies, salt pans, and Fish ponds have been created by human beings. Environmental activists and local defenders are applauded for their nature love this day. It is achieved by workshops, demonstrations, and specific initiatives on the field.
India, according to research by NGO Wetland International, has a max. wetland of South Asia – 7.7 lakh – spanning the 4.6% geographical area of the country. There are only Japan and China in Asia close to the marshes in India.
Ramsar has recognized an additional 10 wetland areas of international significance from India last year. As per the Ministry of the Environment, 35% of wetlands have been destroyed since the 70s and 87% since the 1700s.
Wetland loss is caused by draining and refilling, pollution, economic overuse (such as overfishing), endangered plants, and climatic change. It encouraged governments as well as other interested organizations to maintain the preservation of wetlands, as the survival of several bio diversities depends on the condition of such places.
World Wetlands Day History
Though every year on February 2nd, World Wetlands Day is commemorated, the day was not commemorated until 1997. World Wetlands Day helps to be aware to individuals that wetlands have a beneficial impact on Mother Nature. Environmental activists and community defenders get together on this day to celebrate their love of nature. Seminars, displays, and specific on-the-ground initiatives are used to accomplish this.
A weekend Wetlands Youth Photo Challenge has been held since 2015. The event, which kicks off every year on February 2nd, was created as part of this new strategy to engage children in World Wetlands Day.
Check- Important days and dates
World Wetlands Day 2024 Messages & Wishes
- “It is good for us that we have a day dedicated to celebrating wetlands since this allows us to disseminate wetlands knowledge more effectively.”
- “Happy World Wetlands Day to all the volunteers of Biodiversity and Wetlands out there!!! “The convention provides a framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources in order to contribute towards achieving sustainable development.”
- “Wetlands are beneficial to both animals and humans. According to studies, blue spaces enhance well-being more efficiently than green spaces solely, lowering tension and stress levels. Happy World Wetlands Day.”
- “On the celebration of World Wetlands Day, let us educate our friends and neighbors about wetlands.”
- “Wetlands are the natural habitats for a lot of animals and to protect these animals we must protect the wetlands.”
Check: Ramsar sites in India
World Wetlands Day 2024 Theme
World Wetlands Day 2024 theme: “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing“
The last year’s theme “It’s Time for Wetlands Restoration“. highlighted the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration.
Year | World Wetlands Day Theme |
1997 | WWD celebrated for the first time |
1998 | Importance of water to life & role of wetlands in water supply |
1999 | People and wetlands- the vital link |
2000 | Celebrating our wetlands of international importance |
2001 | A wetland world – A world to discover |
2002 | Wetlands : Water life and culture |
2003 | No wetlands – no water |
2004 | From the mountains to the sea – Wetlands at work for us |
2005 | There’s Wealth in Wetland Diversity – Don’t Lose It |
2006 | Livelihoods at Risk |
2007 | Fish for tomorrow? |
2008 | Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People |
2009 | Upstream, Downstream: Wetlands connect us all |
2010 | Caring for wetlands – An answer to climate change |
2011 | Forests for water and wetlands |
2012 | Wetland Tourism: A great experience |
2013 | Wetlands Take Care of Water |
2014 | Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth |
2015 | Wetlands For Our Future |
2016 | Wetlands For Our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods |
2017 | Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction |
2018 | Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future |
2019 | Wetlands and Climate Change |
2020 | Wetlands and Biodiversity |
2021 | Wetlands and water |
2022 | Wetlands Action for People and Nature |
2023 | It’s Time for Wetlands Restoration |
2024 | Wetlands and Human Wellbeing |
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: It falls on 2nd February
Answer: Wetlands and Human Wellbeing
Answer: The total number of ramsar sites in India is 75.
happy world wetlands day to all lovers of nature!,,, as we celebrate this day,,,kindly i want to pass this through,,,remember lake kamnarok in kenya it’s at the verge of drying out,,,it host a number of wildlife including water birds, crocodiles, water points for buffalos and elephants,,lets safe lake kapnarok in kerio valley baringo county
I have prepared portrait of wetland for world wetlands day 2Feb 2023. Post covid rebirth of human being is my motivation. I want to share my portrait with your institute. Please give me platform.
Wetland Ecosystems are the integral part of biodiversity including human livelihoods- this universal truth must have to be reflected in policy documents of countries all over the world. To this end Ramsar message require to be refreshed ASAP.
बहुत सारे जानवर पक्षियों का प्राकृतिक आवास जो मानव जीवन को गति देते हैं,धरती के जलागार जाने वेटलैंड्स। भारत में ऐसे वेटलैंड हैं जहां हर वर्ष लाखों की तादाद में मेहमान पक्षी आते हैं हजारों हजार किलोमीटर का सफर तय कर अपना बसेरा डालते हैं ऐसे वेटलैंड्स खूबसूरत नजारा लिए होते हैं। समूचे जीव जगत को संजो रखने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं वेटलैंड्स
Incredible . I have got a lot of information from quotes of world wetland day. Thanks.