Army Public School Beas Admission 2024-25: Application, Fee Structure, Address, Phone Number

Army Public School Beas offers admission to classes I to XII. The school was founded in the year 1993 and is located at Kapurthala  Punjab Find best possible info about Army Public School Beas admission 2024-25 regarding application form, how to apply, fee structure, address, phone number, facilities & many more.

Army Public School Beas Admission 2024-25

Army Public School Beas is counted among best CBSE schools across country. Here is a quick overview of the school:

Classes offered Classes I to XII
Affiliation CBSE
CBSE Affiliation No.1630111
Age criteria for Class I05 years as on 31 March of admission year
Age Criteria for Class II06 years as on 31 March of admission year
Priority in admissionChildren of serving/retired Army, Air Force, Navy, DSC personnel. Children of civilians paid out of Defence Estimates, Para Military Forces including Coast Guard, GREF, MES, TA (when not embodied). Grand children of serving/retired Army personnel. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Other children. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Admission criteria for class I5 years as on 31 March of admission year
Admission criteria for class II to IXBased on admission test
Admission criteria for class XIDuly attested pass mark sheet+ documents said above
Documents required admissionBirth Certificate

One latest Passport size photograph of your ward

Proof of being defence personal

Copy of Aadhaar card

Application form date February
Application form cost Rs.50/-
Army Public School Beas phone number 12 957 01822-273218 273091 8283826858
Official website
Army Public School Beas addressKm Stone 49, GT Road (NH-1)
Punjab, PIN-144804

Army Public School Beas Syllabus

Classes Download link
Class 6View syllabus
Class 7View syllabus
Class 8View syllabus
Class 9View Syllabus
Class 10View Syllabus

Fee Structure

Army Public School Beas is one of the best Army schools in India. Please go through the fee structure of school provided below:

S.No(Prospectus :
By Cash 200/-, By post : 260/-)
Expenditure for Entrance Test (Prospectus + Reg fee) by Cash500500500500
2One Time Charges   
Regn Fee2000200020004000
 Admission fee4000400040008000
 Security (Refundable)12000120001200015500
 Total =>18000180001800027500
3Annual ChargesOFFRsJCOORCivilian
 Dev Fund6006006003000
 Exam & Sty4004004001800
 Games & Sports4004004001800
Play Way / LabEqpt120120120500
School Journal200200200300
Cmptr / TAeL Fee4004004001500
Digi Campus606060200
Science Fee
 Total (For All Classes)30003000300012000
4Annual Tuition fee (per month)OFFRsJCOORCivilian
 Class V to X31000300002900080000
 Class XI to XII32000310003000080000


5Hostel Charges750007500075000160000
S.NoType of FeeClassCategory
Offrs  JCOsORCivs
1Regn FeeV-XII2000200020004000
2Admission FeeV-XII4000400040008000


2Dev FundV-XII6006006003000
3Exam & StyV-XII4004004001800
4Games & SportsV-XII4004004001800
5Play Way / LabEqptV-XII120120120500
6School JournalV-XII200200200300
7Cmptr / TAeL FeeV-XII4004004001500
8Digi CampusV-XII606060200
Science Fee
Total 3,0003,0003,00012000
1.Tuition FeeV-X31,00030,00029,00080,000
2.Tuition FeeXI – XII32,00031,00030,00080,000
S.NoType of FeeClassCategory
1APS BeasHosteller750007500075000160000

Review and Comment Here

We welcome parents and students to review Army Public School Beas and raise their concern, if any. One can also discuss here about the school- it’s an open community to discuss your concerns. Please notify us if you find any error in the information provided above.


  1. Sir mara 1 ladka 9th ma aur dusera 7th ma admission ho jayaga
    Kya hostel ma sit milaga

  2. Needs admission for Class XI in Science Stream in this prestegeous institute , i am having 78% Marks in Class X

  3. Regards Sir When Are You Issue Hostel Admission Form
    My Son Have In 5 Class Now We Want Admission In APS Dhilwan

  4. R/sir I wanted my ward addimision in APS Beas.Now he is studying in class VII in APS Amritsar.I want to addimision of my ward in class VIII for the new session with hostel share producer of addimision

  5. Sir mera beta sds school raya may parta hai ckad 7may kya 8th class may admition hu jaygi grandfather a army man but he was death so clear for me add hu jygi

  6. My daughter 5th standard in Cheema public school kishankot Gurdaspur. affilliated to cbsc
    But I want to addmission APS Beas
    Plz suggest me. because I am not belong army .

  7. My son given final exam n waiting for results, now I want to take admission for class xi with hostel

  8. My son is first class how many charges annual fund and admission please all detail is tell me

    1. Para militry ke wards bhi admission le sakta ha? Agar le sakte ha to kya fees ha. Civil ke barabar Or defnence ke baraber

  9. Amazon my son is 6 year and 1st class admission and annual fund and any charges please tell me

  10. I want to take admission for my son who is in class 8 and class 5. He is topper in Gurunanak public school since starting till 7th and 4th. Please let us know your procedure

    1. My son Rahul Bedi study in 9B at Pathankot Aps Mamun please tell me admission of my son in school &hostal what is the last date of admission 2020 so my son countinue study up to 12th class

  11. Sir my two daughters radhika Choudhary and Laxmi Devi she wants admission in your school’s Radhika 9th class Laxmi 6th class sir please tell me admission procedure

  12. Sir I m interested to admission of our both children. Pl give me pls suggest me. I m serving personal & I m belong from Punjab

    1. Para militry ke wards bhi admission le sakta ha? Agar le sakte ha to kya fees ha. Civil ke barabar Or defnence ke baraber

  13. I want to admission of my ward in class 5th . Pl suggest me. I have retired from Army. I belong to Muzaffarpur (Bihar)

  14. Where to get the application form itnis available online or not…… Tje. Form is submitted online or offline.. And fees too???

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